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  • My husband died in Nov. and I am living only on Social Security. His hospital bills are now coming in. Am I, by law, obligated to pay them???
  • How long will a DUI misdemeanor remain in my court files in Arizona?
  • Where I live the heat and air is controlled it is so very hot in my apartment no air circulates in the apartment.. I have a eight year old daughter and she is so very hot I asked for a window air conditioner which other tenants have but they said they have no more and won't put the air on
  • when i started i needed food stamps not cash now i need both can i add cash to my case
  • I'm trying to find legal help in regards to filing for divorce and custody. With very little funds.
  • I have a 4 yr old child.The father and were never married. Fathers name is on the birth certificate. He has never paid child support. The father does keep the child for the week end for the last 2 yrs. I want to move to another state. Will there be a legal issue?
  • My wife and I were sued for unsecured debt. We have two minor children that both have a bank account with my wife on each. The creditor seized thier accounts. My daughter has a babysitting job she does, and my son's account was set up to recieve his student financial aid. Luckily, he had already purchased books and payed for his summer classes. I have heard that Federal student aid was exempt from this. What can we do to stop this and can we get our sons school money back?
  • Emergency Removal of occupant by lease holder or tenant?
  • Can a non custodial parent pay child support by actually buying the stuff they need when they need it? for example, my ex wants to buy the kids clothes when they need it and says thats paying child support.. is that possible?
  • Does anyone know how I can turn child support arrearages owed to me into a judgment?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program