About us
AZLawHelp.org is a collaborative project of:
- Arizona Foundation for Legal Services & Education
- Community Legal Services
- DNA People's Legal Services
- Southern Arizona Legal Aid, Inc.
- The William E. Morris Institute for Justice
- The State Bar of Arizona
With support from:
Can I make someone leave my house if they haven't been paying rent or utilities. They have lived here for 5 months.
My ex and i have a history of domestic violence. He is about to be released from prision in 3 weeks. what steps should i take to file for custody of our5yr old son?
My son has an 18 year old daughter but is not listed on the birth certificate. He volunteered to pay child support and longer does as his daughter is over 18. His daughter now wants to have his name on the birth certificate to claim her Native American heritage. Both are in agreement. What is the court process as I was told there isn't a form and to contact legal services. Thank you.
My umemployment benefits, including extensions have been exhausted and I am married and now we only have one incomem can I apply for general assistance or food stamps?
My daughters father has sole custody of her I pay child support for her but she lives with me for almost years now What should i do. Her father lives in another.
My landlord told me on the day i moved out (11/30/08) that she had fourteen days to finalize my deposit. it is now the 16th of december and when i called her she said that she had fourteen "working days" to finalize my deposit? after reviewing this website i find nothing about working days stated anywhere in the law and i was wondering what rights i have as a former tenant.
Can I move out of state with my 7 year old son? I was never married to his father and he doesn’t pay me monies for my son’s support. The father has been in jail for violating probation for drug use.
how long do i have to wait to get my cash assistance into my ebt card
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How do i get guardianship of my 15 year old brother. He has been with me for over 8 months my day lefthim with me and refuses to talk to me. Now no one in my family including my brother can get ahold of him. I need to take care of his school and medical stuff. How do i take care of this issue in a legal fashion.
Free & Reduced Fees Legal Aid Resources
Click Here to apply online, or call
- Please select your county of residence below.
State Bar of Arizona
www.azbar.org -
Maricopa County Bar
Referral number 602-257-4434 -
Pima County Bar
Referral number 520-623-4625 -
National Domestic Violence Hotline
800-799-7233 -
Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
866-553-0893 -
Certified Legal Document Preparer Program
- Arizona Coalition to End Sexual & Domestic Violence
View full description - Arizona Corporation Commission
View full description - Community Legal Services - Statewide Farmworker Program
View full description - Bankruptcy Hotline
View full description - Arizona Senior Citizens Law Project
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