Community Legal Services - Central Office Profile
Community Legal Services provides high quality civil legal services to applicants whose income is near poverty level.
Address305 S. 2nd Ave.,
P.O. Box 21538
Phoenix, AZ 85036
Phone: (602) 258-3434
Toll Free: 1(800) 852-9075
Fax: (602) 253-1536
Community Legal Services - East Valley Office
Community Legal Services - Mohave County
Community Legal Services - San Luis - Yuma County
Community Legal Services - Statewide Farmworker Program
Community Legal Services - Yavapai County
Community Legal Services - Yuma Office
Community Legal Services Disability Advocacy Project
Pro Bono Program - Yavapai County
Volunteer Lawyers Program - Maricopa County
Volunteer Lawyers Program - Mohave County
Volunteer Lawyers Program - Yuma
I paid my deposit to my landlord with 2 money orders. I have receipts from the landlord for both of them. The landlord "lost" one of the money orders. They are now asking me to pay them again for the lost one and for me to file the paperwork myself to see if I can get the money back from the company who issued the original money order. I feel that once it left my possession and they gave me a receipt that it is their responsibility. Can they penalize me for their mistake?
My son's girlfriend was pregnant. She was due Dec. 26. 2014. She said Baby was born & Died on March 10.2015. I have proof no child was born or died to her in the state of Arizona in 2014 or 2015... she sent a text with pics of Beautiful Healthy Baby Boy.. stating the cord wrapped around his neck. And that he didn't make it. My husband and i's first grandson. She States he was cremated that same day. We as a family would like to know. Where he is.
my wife separated from me 4 years ago. she took my son and my stepdaughter with her. I am wondering what rights I may have to see my son and if I have any rights to see my stepdaughter that I raised for five years.
If the drain is clogged in my rental apartment do I have to pay for the Plumber
What is the responsibility of the Landlord of a 55+ park regarding safety from burglary and robbery? We have had a number of these lately and it doesn't appear our Landlord is doing anything about it.
Is expunging an arrest record available if there was no result as a conviction?
what does Contributing to the delinquency of a minor mean?
I just had my daughter four months ago me and her father are no longer together never where married but he keeps making comments about taking her or being able take her anywhere he please ex; to California to visit he’s family . My question is since we’re not married but he sign the birth certificate do I have the finale say in things ?
I know the Navajo Nation is some what like the same as AZ laws so. What age does the child have to bee to decide which parents they want to live with?
My children relocated to New York three years ago because of mother's job. Since, mother has not complied with the parenting order, failing to send them back for father's parenting time on several occasions. The two children are currently with father for summer vacation. Both children told father of regularly being left alone overnight. The children are 6 and 8. They are scheduled according to the parenting time order to go back to New York at the end of August (less than 7 weeks). What can I do to keep them from returning to that environment?
Free & Reduced Fees Legal Aid Resources
Click Here to apply online, or call
- Please select your county of residence below.
State Bar of Arizona -
Maricopa County Bar
Referral number 602-257-4434 -
Pima County Bar
Referral number 520-623-4625 -
National Domestic Violence Hotline
800-799-7233 -
Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
866-553-0893 -
Certified Legal Document Preparer Program
- William E. Morris Institute for Justice
View full description - Arizona Fair Housing Center
View full description - Information & Referral Services
View full description - Tohono O'odham Legal Services – Sells
View full description - Legal Services for Crime Victims in Arizona (LSCVA)
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