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  • I am permanent resident came in this country before 2 years, my wife is she eligible for full medical coverage or not
  • my husband walked out on me a week after we found out i was pregnant. we had bought a car together and he let his dad put the title in his name without me knowing and a week after we found out i was pregnant he left? what can i do and can i get an annulment?
  • if i ask my attorney for a mitigation packet to be done and she only looks at some of my background, and only prepares a deviation to present to the prosecutor,and he denies it, what can i do. i have already signed a 5 year plea, but im not happy with the representation of my counsel. what can i do to change my plea agreement, and get new counsel?
  • My husband and I are getting divorced and have 4 children under the age of 12. We have not been able to reach an agreement on custody and temporary orders  included that joint physical custody be granted. In addition, there are "parentling evaluations" scheduled . What is a "Parenting evaluation" and what kinds of questions should I expect? Will there be an opportunity for me to provide the evaluator with inforation? Thank you!
  • Can a employer offer fmla even if they do not employ 50 emplyees
  • My neighbor has a defective air conditioner in there back yard,and it is about 100 feet from my patio.the noise from it is about 5 times louder than a normal home air conditioner.This will be the 3rd year we have had to listen to the nerve racking noise which comes from the A/C I have talked to the neighbor but they refuse to repair it.My question is,is this a county matter or a civil matter?Thank you
  • My sons father and I went to court and a custody arrangement was ordered in court. my son's father hasn't used his visitation for 9 months. Yesterday he said he wanted to see him again. I brought my son to a public location to try to allow him to become familiar with his dad again but my son who is three was noticeably afraid During the visit my son's father said that if I did not let him immediately take his for court ordered visits he would inform the judge. What can I do to have the current order imediately changed so that he can get to know father agian before having overnight visits
  • I was evicted for nonpayment of rent March 31. April 2, I notified landlord with letter stating demand for whereabouts and costs for moving and storage of my property. Landlord replied with "when you pay me what you owe, plus moving and storage expenses, then we will talk." Landlord then gave me a $4500 moving and storage bill (her handwriting) in which same moving company quoted me no more than $1800. On the 20th day we contacted landlord where she said it is considered abandoned and that if we contacted her anymore she would file harassment charges on us. What do we do?
  • I am a 28 year old disabled man with a service dog and I live with 3 roommates whom I do not get along with. One of them (my ex) has threatened to kick me to the streets even though I have done nothing to warrant this. Can my roommates kick me out if I am on the lease? I pay my fair share of the rent, I have not done anything illegal, I have not done anything against my roommates to warrant being kicked out, and I have not broken any of the rules to be a tenant at the apartment complex I currently live in. What are my legal rights?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program