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  • My 1st husband passed away when my daughter was 2.I remarried and my daughter is 9 my husband now adopted her and they have a strong father and daughter bond .My 1st husbands parents are toxic.They haven't seen my daughter in 2 years she has no bond with them and forgot who they even are.The grandpa is a convicted child molester. Recently the grandmother threatened my husband saying if I don't stop airing dirty laundry she will file for supervised visitation rights.Can they get supervised visitation rights? Before my first husband passed he told his parents to stay away from his family .
  • My daughters dad just passed away and me and him both have custody of my daughter . My daughter is with his mom right now but I want her with me . How can i go get her without running into any problems ?
  • I have a witness that has offered to testify at my criminal trial. I believe he will show up. Do I have to subpoena him to make sure the prosecutor doesn't try to disallow his testimony? Since I am representing myself, if I am required to subpoena him, do I request the subpoena through the court clerk in Gilbert?
  • I have just gotten a divorce and my exhusband is ordered to pay back money he took from our savings account when we seperated. He says that he does not have the money and will have to make payments. He was awarded our personal property which is paid off. Can I put a lien on this title? He says he is building a home is there any other way of ensuring that I will get my money returned?
  • I am paying back child support for a adult child who is not mine. However paternity was never established. The mother has admitted i am not the child's father, and its clear i am not. However the adult child refuses to take a dna test so i can stop paying child support, Do i have any rights in this case? Every year they take my entire tax refund, i make weekly payments. I have a family and two children who are mine that i am supporting. i need help.
  • I've paid a security deposit of $300 for my apt. and have a receipt. The landlord is increasing the amount to $400 and says I owe another $100! I say no! You can charge new tenants whatever you want that's legal, but you can't increase my amount after the fact. Please let me know if I must pay the additional $100. Thank you.
  • I have been in the rental house in AZ for more than 5 years. Now that I am leaving the landlord say's they are charging me late fee from past rent over the last five years. Can they do this even thoe they never said or mention rent was late and there was not late fee asked for. But in the lease it does say there is a late fee if rent is late but has never told me rent was ever late or ever ask for late fee's before me giving my notice to leave
  • Can you file a motion for visitation without an attorney? My son was not married to his girlfriend they had a child they broke up and she has the child. She will not let my son see the child instead will take him to her parents and let him spend the weekend.
  • Can my daughter and son-in-law prevent me from seeing my grandchildren because He does not like me? My daughter and I only have problems when he gets hostal.




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program