Glendale Victim Assistance Profile

To be eligible for these services you must be the victim of a misdemeanor crime committed and charged in the city of Glendale. Offers services to victims of a misdemeanor crime committed and charged in the city of Glendale. The center provides: 24-hour on-scene crisis services, information services to help victims successfully interact with the criminal justice system assistance with Orders of Protection and related domestic violence issues, investigative and court support to victims. These services are provided by a trained victim advocates.

6830 N 57th Dr
Glendale, AZ 85301
Phone: 623.930.3030


  • Is having a working phone line (I ordered phone service but there are no phone jacks in my house) considered an essential utility?
  • We have a tenant that will not answer our calls, texts, emails or answer his door we suspect that no one is living in the home because it is a filthy, unhealthy mess completely unsanitary There are cats living in the home but empty cats food cans all over the kitchen floor we looked in the window and saw a cat The window was partially opened and when we looked inside all we could smell was a strong Oder of cat urine They have not paid rent in 3 months and we can’t find or get hold of them They have completely destroyed our home What are our rights? Can we enter the home?
  • how much benefits can i receive for 5 in my household
  • i need to report changes how do i do it
  • I voluntarily turned in a car that i could not longer afford back to the finance company,now 4 years later, I found out that they sold the car at auction for only $50.00, far below the value and said hey are goind to sue me for the unpaid balance plus intrest, can they do that?
  • A friend of mine took a old used ac unit and scrapped it he and another employee noticed it in the trash for about 2 to three weeks afterthis occurred the company was reimbursed full value and he was charged with theft is this doable
  • My employer is now requiring me to get a physical to return into work due to me mentioning that I need to be seen for mental issues and problems I have been having. Can they require me to do this?
  • We own a ground floor condo. The condo above us is rented to some very noisy people, including loud repetitious boom-boom "music". Police have been here 4 times. What can we do? What proof is required to avoid the "he said, she said" problem? The boom-boom from morning to late night is making our home uninhabitable.
  • Where can I find previous restraining orders records? Trying to gather all possible evidence that my ex has a pattern of domestic violence. I know all of us 3 women who he has been with filed for an order of protection and experienced domestic abuse. He beat me up when I was pregnant with our son and our son came out early and is now in NICU. I want to do everything possible to protect my child.
  • My ex husband and have been divorced since 2008 we both have joint custody and the children have primarily lived with me and have had the same parenting plan in place since, however this past December my ex husband asked for a modification and the judge awarded him as the "primary residential parent" since parenting time was modified and the children are now staying with him more than me. We both still have jjoint custody. My ex husband changed the kids school with out me knowing or agreeing dose he have the right to do this? The order dosnt say he can make educational decision on his own.




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program