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  • How can I avoid being solicited by telemarketers and marketing mail?
  • What to do with an exwife that has not followed the judge orders on the separation of goods after the divorece was done. She is still taking money from my account,she has taken things from my home, how can I get her out of my life and make her return all the money and goods she has taken afte the divorce?
  • can you receive unemployment going to school part-time?
  • I live in section eight house the state pays the rent every month but i only paid half of the deposit and paying monthly payments towards the remaining balance of the deposit can u get evicted from not paying deposit on time
  • I made a down payment on a used vehicle,I have not taken posession of the vehicle. Can I get my down payment back?
  • our landlord knowingly knew pets would be on the premises since the beginning of our lease in november 2016 , our lease is set to end november 2017 and now that we are 4 months away from it ending the landlord is wanting to charge us pet deposits but didn't say anything about it from the beginning. is this valid or can this be fought?
  • We discovered black mold in all of our lower kitchen cabinets, Maintenance said they are going to have to rip out all of the cabinets and wall. The property manager asked if we had somewhere to stay for the weekend then stopped returning emails. The owner called and said just don't mess with it we'll be fine for now. Along with rent on Monday we left a written five day request for repairs due to health and safety. They are saying we can move that they will let us out of the lease and MAYBE be able to refund sec. dep. Are they required to refund our money and are we entitled to any moving costs
  • My brother died intestate recently and owns a MH in a 55+ park. What rights do the heirs have as far a payment of space rent and being evicted from the mobile home park.
  • Can a pendente lite for child support be obtained if parents were never married and are awaiting a child custody trial?
  • my 6 year old son lives with his grandparents and we want to get his last name changed can the grandparents change it without my the other parents permission and my son says grandpa is more of a dad to him then his birth dad




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program