Catholic Charities - West Valley Profile

Provides over 40 different programs at 104 sites throughout the state. They serve people of all ages, color, creed, culture, ethnicity, ideology, language or religion.

7400 W. Olive, #10
Peoria, AZ 85354
Phone: 623.486.9868


  • Can you assist me with a will?
  • I have a dismissed DV misdemeanor showing on my background check. How can this be expunged?
  • A relative who lives out of state supposely had unpaid bebt. we were called and told that we would be summomed on his behalf.. He lives in Illonis. can they do this?
  • I own a home in a mobile home park where there is quite a bit of crime. My home has been broken into as have some of my neighbors. I want to install security bars on the windows to deter another break-in. Can the park prevent me from installing them?
  • I recently found out that I am the bio-logical father of a 14 year old daughter who has been adopted. I never knew until June 2011 that I was this child’s father. What rights do I have since this was done without my knowledge? This was actually done in Colorado but I reside in Arizona. I do not want to up-root my child from her adoptive family as she has been with them for 6 years but I would like to met her and let her know that I did not abandon her and I am here for her if she wants to get to know me.
  • This is an odd question for Arizona, but in the summer my landlord keeps the thermostat locked when he is in town. He is a rather large man, and keeps the A/C at 69 during the summer. Myself and my roommate nearly have to wear winter garments to be comfortable. Not only is this a waste of electricity, but it is extremely uncomfortable for his tenants. Is there anything I can do about this? Legally.
  • My 15 year old daughter wants to live with me in another county than her father. What is the process she can take to make her wishes known? Her father and I had a recent residency hearing, and the Judge ruled she stay with her father because he felt she was fine where she was, and my daughter was nervous to talk to the judge. However, after learning of the decision, she has told her father she wants to live with me, and she is telling me she wants to tell the judge how she feels, and wants to move with me.
  • How do I find a new doctor?
  • if Im not married to my daughters mother but have been supporting her for 16 years if I leave do I need to pay alimony to her?
  • I'm writing this for my brother-in-law. His son has power of attorney and he cannot get a copy. How can he get a copy and isn't the power of attorney written for a specific time frame and specific event?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program