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  • What if Medicaid continually refuses to diagnose a medical condition that Medicare covers? Should Medicaid follow Medicare LCD's? I have Medicare FFS and Medicaid.
  • iam a 57 year old mother of 8 children. ive been married to the smae man for over 37 he says he wants out,or move out.we still have a 13 year old daughter to support. what do i do. im not not getting any younger i need advise help
  • My 17 year old sister in law is pregnant and would like my husband and I to adopt her baby. What do I need to do to make this legal? What do I do if the father is not able to care for the child....but still wants him, he will probably end up in foster care if the father takes him.
  • Who is responsible for a leak in the wall (specifically the garage wall)?
  • I was immediately told that another tenant is coming and am supposed to come out without any notice then i told them i needed time to prepare but the new tenant started rearranging my tables putting them in one cornerin the shop i rented after delaying payment and was told i owe the landlord nothing since the new tenant had paid for extra six month, i moved out whilst he intended me to witness then continued arranging. It been two days now and i haven't gone there but am told he doing business whilist my property is there inside. I took no action because he known to be one of the wealthman
  • We own a mobile home in a park. We have a lady that wants to buy our mobile. She paid a fee to start the application process to be approved for lease in the park. She passed the criminal/credit portion but they needed a note from her doctor regarding a waiver for her service dogs being over 25 lbs. Her doctor signed the form and she took it into the office. Then they told her they were wrong and it had to be mailed to the doctor's office by the park. We are over two weeks waiting on an approval and they told us they don't know when they will have an answer. Is there a time limit on approval.
  • I was influenced to redo a Secondary motor vehicle finance transaction. A rep from the office called and urged me to go in, cash out on my loan, and do another one. I told them I no longer own the vehicle and they said it's okay and come in anyways. I am now being sued for defaulting on the loan but I was wondering if I could fight it? The contract was signed under false pretenses.
  • Can landlords evict for no reason?
  • If a divorce petition was initiated and granted with the help of an attorney, do i need an attorney to repetition the courts for a change in my old decree which was filed in 1998.
  • My ex boyfriend lives Within 100 feet of my front door on the same floor. I am not safe living In this apartment complex I do have an active restraining order against my ex boyfriend for physically beating  me. My apartment complex, told me I would have to pay $3000.00 to break my lease and my credit will be blemished. What is my legal right here in Arizona. Can I break my lease without paying. FRIGHTENED FOR LIVE LIVING HERE!!!




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program