Arizona Coalition to End Sexual & Domestic Violence Profile
Arizona’s only statewide legal advocacy hotline for victims and survivors of domestic violence. Available Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Staffed by knowledgeable staff, interns and volunteers with over 20 year’s lay legal advocacy experience. The Legal Advocacy Hotline Staff Are NOT attorneys and cannot give legal advice. Able to provide information to Spanish-speaking callers. Confidential and safe.
AddressLegal Advocacy Hotline
Statewide, AZ
Phone: (602) 279-2900 or (800) 782-6400
Toll Free: (602) 279-7270
My wife passed and she had a Capital one account with $2381.00 in a account. I have tried to transfer monies to my account and also hired a attorney to draft a letter to release funds and they refuse to send they said I need to go through probate. I paid off her car and sold home but this account is still open and Capital one will not release money.
My ex husband and I currently have joint custody of our 5 year old. We both don’t have any family here in AZ. I feel it’ll be best for our child to relocate with me back to my home state due to family being there to not only assist in raising but just to know them. I’m also currently in a long distance relationship and pregnant for a man that lives near my family. I’d have a better paying job if I relocated as well. What are my possibilities on being able to relocate our child with me to be with my side of the family(and closer to his side) and also with my soon to be new family?
If the mother of my children and I came to an agreement at out first child support proceeding to a set amount and the both of us signed for it can she change it if i make her mad. WhIch is what she is threatening to do.
I've lived at my current address for 2 years now I've been having issues with getting my mail the postman said he can no longer by law give me my mail because of my apartment doesn't exist I've told my landlord about this matter but I keep getting the run around about how it's the postman cause all of the issue and not the fact that my the landlord hasn't registered my apartment number. So what can I do within my rights?
If you have only missed one day at work, Are you required to give your employer a doctors note? I thought you had to be absent for at least three days before a doctors note is required
If stopped by law enforcement, officer asks "IS A GUN IN THE VEHICLE?" is the operator required to answer specifically yes or no? We are not residents of the state of Arizona.
I became disabled during our marriage.After that time,she was able to get a good paying job with benefits incl, profit sharing,retirement,etc.I have become dependent on her income to pay for bills incl. basics.Am I entitled to spousal maintenance?
My uncle is 82 and terminally ill. He's got $75k in credit card limits...he's taken out 50K in cash advances has transferred into his sons accounts. He owns a home with his wife, but his name is coming off of the house. He's done this to leave some $ to his heirs. His wife will pay the minimums on the credit cards after his death until she sells the house, then gift that money to her daughter. What's the legal ramifications of this after his death to his heirs. There will be no estate.
I recently lost my son to my girlfriend she called the cops on me and took my son we were having a lot of problems, but she didn't want to worked them out ,now that she's left she has a tempted to let my son come over so I can see him ,but she keeps putting it off and she won't pick up the phone to set up another day so I can see my son ,but she won't pick up the phone what rights do I have as a father that loves his son so much and she doesn't care that I see my son I found out while she was living with me she was cheating all this time, it's not right that she's keeping my son from me.
if we court order to see my grand daughter and the mother is now holding her from coming over cause she got mad at the father wont let her come over she does this all the time its away of her getting back at him and hurting him she is selfish my grand daught adore he father.
Free & Reduced Fees Legal Aid Resources
Click Here to apply online, or call
- Please select your county of residence below.
State Bar of Arizona -
Maricopa County Bar
Referral number 602-257-4434 -
Pima County Bar
Referral number 520-623-4625 -
National Domestic Violence Hotline
800-799-7233 -
Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
866-553-0893 -
Certified Legal Document Preparer Program
- Step Up to Justice
View full description - Community Legal Services - Mohave County
View full description - Arizona Attorney General's Office (Prescott)
View full description - Arizona Coalition to End Sexual & Domestic Violence
View full description - DES Division of Child Support Enforcement - Phoenix
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