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  • Does grandparents have any rights to take my child from , also my sister that lives in alabama is going to try and take my child.
  • My boyfriend and i just split up and he took my child away and said I'm never goin to seee him again. If i went to court for this could i lose my baby? He works and i dont but im starting my online schooling, I live with my mom and she help me out. My child can't be without me I raised him, I havent left his side.  What would the chances of me having him be and of not being able to see him again? if you could get at me asap please.

  • My fiance and I went to Dallas over Easter weekend to get his mother Mary age 76 from the nursing home she was in. She has severe Dementia and her husband agreed to let us take her in. He no longer wants to make any decision on her. Phillip is her only child. We need to get power of Attorney on her. Was told we needed to get a Durable Power of Attorney and would cost us 6k to do this. Is their a cheaper way? How? Thank you
  • If a mother puts a restraining order against her sons girlfriend 4 months before he turns 18 and he doesn't want one put on her can he get it dismissed when he turns 18?
  • i wanted to know if their's anymore resources of places that you guys can give me on having to get help on getting my water bill paid in the amount of $260.00 and its a delinquent bill.
  • Leased house partially furnished,tenant sold furnishings, appliances,wood shop equips,full tractors/attachments.missing had value of 18'000-20'000 dollars.
  • My son has been taken over state lines without my permission. He was sent by his mother to his grandmother's I think. We were never married and there is no court ordered custody. How do I start the process of getting him back into Arizona and getting custody of him?
  • I got hurt in the job, ir required hospital stay and surgeries. My employer has been great they started my sick pay right away. A few weeks later workers comp sent me checks. Payroll was informed. How ever I still got pay from sick pay. I figured this was just part of the benefit of having sick pay. Ir wasn't a secret. But now they ate up set about double pay. Can they make us pay that back or lose my job over this?
  • I own a Mobil lot in Apache Junction. I do not own the trailer that is on the lot. I have been renting this lot at a very good rate. I just found out today my renter passed away. What are my legal rights to get the Mobil off of this lot? The renter has a daughter whom has not contacted me as of yet.
  • My mother died sept 27. She had a will leaving her home to we three kids. Can we get a title change with this will so the property can be sold




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program