Pio Decimo Center Profile

Childcare, transitional housing for homeless families, language classes (ESL), health clinics, and youth programs are a few of the agency's activities in central Tucson.

848 South 7th Ave
Tucson, AZ 85701
Phone: 520.622.2801
Website: http://www.ccs-soaz.org/


  • I have informed my landlord of 2 leaks in the vent that connects my A/C unit to the house over a month ago. How long do they have to complete these repairs? Electric bills have been about $300 on a low income for 835 sq. ft. single story unit.
  • My ex husband and I currently have joint custody of our 5 year old. We both don’t have any family here in AZ. I feel it’ll be best for our child to relocate with me back to my home state due to family being there to not only assist in raising but just to know them. I’m also currently in a long distance relationship and pregnant for a man that lives near my family. I’d have a better paying job if I relocated as well. What are my possibilities on being able to relocate our child with me to be with my side of the family(and closer to his side) and also with my soon to be new family?
  • where I do I take domestic violence classes in Prescott Arizona ???and how much do they cost
  • My aunt was living in my mothers home and her two daughters came to live and lived until my aunt passed 5/17/11 now these daughters are moving people in and our family wants to get them out the people that are living there have said to be drug dealers.
  • I am about 12 days late on rent but i already told the landlord i will pay rent on the 28th my refrigerator is mot working and i told him about it and he refuses to make the repair till rent is paid can he do that?
  • I owe $35,000.00 on a 2000 motorhome I can't make payments anymore as I don't have the means. I tried to surrender it, but was told to try to sell it myself, I have a buyer, willing to pay $20,000 for it.But I need the title for it before the buyer gives me the money. the creditor is not willing to send me the title yet. what can I do? this is better for the creditor, because they don't have to come get it themselves.
  • How long do you get food stamps for?
  • We got a five day eviction notice and we offered to pay the rent in full within the five days and the landlord refused it he said if we didn't have it all that day it would be illegal to take the money
  • I co signed on a car for my ex boyfriend.We broke up few weeks later then said he could not pay for the car so I took over the payments. Now he wants the car back but the car company will not take my name off of the loan even though my ex is willing to sign off.Refinancing is not an option because the loan is more than the car is worth. Is their some legal process to get my name removed? I do not want the risk of him ruining my credit.




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program