City of Mesa Housing Services Division Profile

Administers the Section 8 Rental Assistance, Housing Rehabilitation and Escobedo Affordable Housing programs.

20 East Main Street, Suite 250
Mesa, AZ 85201
Phone: 480.644.3536
Fax: 480.644.2923


  • Hello, my parents marriage is negatively is evolving drastically. A couple of days ago my stepdad pulled a gun on my mom in front of my younger brother. My younger brother explained this event to me and older sister. He also stated that he had to intervene between my parents. I am very worried for my mother, but I do not know where to start helping legally and fast.
  • If you are not the landlord of some one who lives in the same home as you in the garage again I am not third landlord and this person doest pay the power bill it gets shut off I am forced to turn it on in my name and I told him he can pre pay me the 121st bill what his part would be or I would not turn on the power to the garage because I wasn't going to pay for him to use the power and not pay do I have that right?
  • My boyfriend is currently incarcerated on a child support warrant(held on a $10000 cash only bond). I'm trying to fill out a modification for him. He used to make $24per hour in the construction field.He lost his good paying job in Dec 2009. He has been in & out of jail for the CS ever since. Besides collecting Unemployement the only job he was able to get for a brief period was only paying him $11.00 an hour. My questions are 1)Should I use the $11 per hr or the Unemployment as income for calculating his support mod? & 2)How long can a judge make him sit in Jail? There's NO WAY we can pay it.
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  • I live in a mobile home retirement community in Mesa. It was recently acquired my Cal-am. One of their new directives is that all window AC units have to be removed. I do not have central air and cant afford to install it. Being without AC in AZ is like not having heat in NYC. Can they really force me to remove my 2 AC units even though it gets to 120 degrees?
  • I would like to add my last name to my daughters birth certificate. They currently have fathers last name. I have sole custody of them and their father & I were never married. He's always been inconsistent with his visitation rights (in and out of their lives, Reason for change). Do I need a court order & his permission to add my last name to their birth certificate?
  • I am currently married and live in Gila County. My husband has moved out on my 2 children and I 1 week ago, and I have the opportunity to leave the state of Arizona to start over. Can I take my children as long as I put it in writing to him of where I am going and contact information?
  • if i was being called names at work by my boss and i quit because i could not take it any more can i still get unemployment compensation .
  • Can a landlord evict a tenant with no reason (we have always paid the rent). If so, should the notice be given 30 days prior eviction ?
  • Under the Uniform Services Former Spouses Protection Act, the 2017 Rule. If my former wife and I made a verbal agreement to split retirement pay 50/50, will DFAS honor that or would they need a court document stating the amount she would receive?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program