Domestic Violence Article

La Paz County Resources for Domestic Violence

La Paz County Resources for Domestic Violence

La Paz County Superior Court, 1316 S. Kofa Ave, Parker AZ

Presiding Judge (928) 669-6134

Clerk of the Court (928) 669-6131

Domestic Violence - Abuse Crisis Counseling

Arizona Child Abuse or Neglect Hotline (CPS) 1-888-SOS-CHILD (1-888-767-2445)

Arizona Coalition Against Domestic Violence 1-800-782-6400

Boys Town National Hotline (24 Hours) 1-800-448-3000 TTY:1-800-448-1833

Catholic Community Services 928.341.9400

National Domestic Violence Hotline 800-799-SAFE(7233) TTY:1-800-787-7224

Parents Anonymous of AZ (Crisis Hotline) 1-800-352-0528

The Excel Group (928)669-6669

Domestic Violence - Counseling for Abusers

Parents Anonymous of AZ (Crisis Hotline) 1-800-352-0528

Domestic Violence - Shelters/Safe Houses; (24 hours)

Boys Town National Hotline (24 Hours) 1-800-448-3000 TTY:1-800-448-1833

Colorado River Regional Crisis Shelter (Parker) (928)669-0107

Information Resources

Community Information and Referral(24 hours) 602-263-8856


Contact Shelter Hotline-24 Hour Information & Referral (602)263-8856


Information & Referral Service (Quartzsite) 928-927-3700

Parent Assistance Hotline (Information on Parents' Legal Rights) 1-800-732-8193

Western AZ Council of Govermnent (WACOG) (928)669-9466

Legal Services

Community Legal Services 800.424.7962

Orders of Protection/Injunctions Against Harassment

Parker Municipal Court (928)669-0011

Quartzsite Municipal Court (928)927-7477

Parker Justice Court (928)669-2504

Quartzsite Justice Court (928)927-6313

Salome Justice Court (928)859-3871

Clerk of the Superior Court (928)669-6131

Victim Rights and Witness Assist Program

AZ State Attorney General (602)542-4911

Victim Services

La Paz County Attorney Victim Witness Program (928)669-6118



  • I had to call the police on my wife who was threatening violence last night. They effectively treated me like the abuser but thats another story. Now my wife is threatening to get an order of protection against me even though she was the violent one. What can I do to protect myself? And will I be able to contact my kids? I'll have to live out of my car as I know no one around here.
  • I have an order of protection against my husband that has not been served to him yet. If I agree to meet him at the police station parking lot to exchange our daughter, will the judge dismiss the order if my husband later contests it?
  • I am an immigrant on a work visa. I got married to a US citizen a month ago. He abuses me physically and emotionally.I am scared about deportation, if I take any legal action.
  • when a minor commits dv against a parent, shouldn't the minor be removed from the parent and dangerous and unsafe environment?
  • where I do I take domestic violence classes in Prescott Arizona ???and how much do they cost
  • If I dont show up to court when he fights to have it dismissed will it be dismissed and will it show up on a back ground check that this ever happened to him.
  • If an order of protection is obtained, and an appeal was rejected. In the even the order is then modified and granted with the modification, does the order of protection get extended? For example: original order granted 11/12/2015, but was modified and granted 2/2/2016 is the new date 2/2/2016 or does remain the date of the original service?
  • Our grandaughter has lived in our home since birth. Parents used to live with us, the moved out in March but did not take the baby. She is currently still living in our home, they have moved 3 different times since March. Mom is a minor she was arrested for domestic violence, but charges were dropped. Father was in jail for domestic violence too but charges were dropped. We provide for the baby and take care of her 95% of the time what is the chance of gaining custody?
  • I just found out that my son is on two restraining orders against each other how do i fix this mibe was filed FIRST
  • been married 12 yrs, no children due to domestic violence I am seperated from husband.I'am wanting a divorce/alimony/order of protection what are my chances? Due to his disability will I be charged with abandonment?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program