
Family and Children


  • My son is abt to be 4 years old. He has my last name because while I was pregnant his father was abusive physical & emotionally hurting me , he was also abusing drugs and dealing drugs . He was putting too much stress on me I wanted him as far away from me as possible it wasn't good for my pregnancy . When I had my son only my last name was given . His dad & I try working it out but throught out time he was still being abusive , doing drugs getting d.u.i going to jail . Cheating on me I had enough . I met a wonderful man that I fell in love with as soon as I moved on my sons father broke into my apartment & vandalized 3000 worth of my things .. I don't get a penny from the guy . Now he has a black on blank Benz . He has a Bently he has a monster truck . He has a motor cycle hardly Davidson & dune buggy while I'm struggling with my son to get by . My boyfriend was supporting us him & I are no longer together . How can I get child support from the guy without him getting any legal right
  • MY daughter was roughed up my her live in bf. he also damaged her car. she was willing to go to the sheriffs office until they told her he would be arrest tonight and go to jail. How likely is that to happen the injury is broken nails bruised? the vechile damage is about $500 and he still has her glasses and a few other small things.
  • Can I put a restraining order on my wife for myself and our three children? We are in the middle of a divorce and the kids live with me, I take care of them, she hardly calls or comes to see them but everytime I don't give her money she threatens to take them and remove them from school while I'm at work? I need an order of protection to keep her away until the court hearing. Can I do this?
  • In Arizona when can a legally married man(woman) be charged with rape of his/her spouse?
  • I have a domestic violence charge against me and although I had it set aside, I still can not get a job in AZ. I need to know how long this conviction, which is a misdemeanor, stays on my record?
  • I have a custody trial coming next year & I’m representing myself. I'm attempting to prove child abuse by my ex to his oldest son (not common to us) that I witnessed. I have filed a CPS report in the past but it was unsubstantiated. His son just turned 18 & is still living in the home.There are no police reports. Instead I’m hoping to use his son’s behavioral records from school, to convey that he has documented behavioral/emotional issues that his father would respond poorly at home by phys abuse. His son has a right to keep his educational records private. But can I request for this case??
  • I have an OOP against my ex boyfriend & he is still harassing/stalking me. I contact the police & file my reports. I am going to move back to Wa. state but my lease ends at the end of Dec. 2014. My question is.. can I get out of my lease early without any fines/fees or trouble?
  • What do I need to do to change one of my daughters last name. My domestic partner is not the biological father but he has been there with my daughter and i since about 3 months into my pregnancy. My daughter currently has my last name but both my partner and i want to change her last name to his. Her biological father isnt in the birth certificate nor in her life. And she is 1. What are the steps to change her last name?
  • In the past I have called in the police for help because my husband was hit, pushing or verbal abusing, but there was " never any mark or signs of abuse" so they said they couldn't help me. Las night out of nowhere he started to hit me again and push away some big soda bottles that my daughter and I were working on and did hit my daughter. But ones again I but have that many marks. Can I ask for help?
  • My ex- fiancée and I have joint custody(decision making). Last year March17, 2014, she was arrested for domestic violence( class 6 undesignated felony), ( discharging a firearm at her boyfriend),and received supervised probation, 3 yrs. In June of 2015, she was once again arrested for violation of probation and placed on IPS and extensive probation till 2017. Because Mother is violent and has potential to cause emotional and physical distress to my 5 yr. old daughter, do I have legal right as her father to file for sole custody and decision maker? Currently we have equal parenting time.



  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program