Domestic Violence Article

Victim's Bill of Rights

Under the Arizona Constitution, Article 2, Sec. 2.1, victims are:

  • to be treated with fairness, respect, and dignity;
  • to be informed, upon request, when the accused/convicted person is released/escaped
  • to be present at and to be informed of all criminal proceedings where the defendant has the right to be present;
  • to be informed of victim's constitutional rights;
  • to be heard at any proceeding involving a post-arrest release decision, a negotiated plea, and sentencing;
  • to a speedy trial and prompt and final conclusion of the case;
  • to refuse an interview request by the defendant, the defendant's attorney;
  • to confer with the prosecution;
  • to read pre-sentence reports when they are available to the defendant;
  • to ensure the protection of victim's rights;
  • to receive prompt restitution;
  • to be heard at any proceeding when any post-conviction release is being considered.

The Crime Victim's Rights for adult offenses can be found at A.R.S. sections 13-4401 to 4439

The Crime Victim's Rights for juvenile offenses can be found at A.R.S. sections 8-381 to 421

If you would like more information about Victim's Rights or you think your rights have been violated, you can contact the Arizona Office of the Attorney General Victim's Rights Enforcement Officer online .



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  • what are the charges for assault intetional/reckelessly injure
  • Ok I was being beaten by my boyfriend n my friend came to my aid n now facing charges what can I do
  • My ex is doing this to our son. Where can I get help? The judge doesn't see my side of this and there was significant domestic violence in our marriage. The judge has granted my ex custody and he is a dangerous alcoholic. My daughter, his step daughter is so afraid for her little brother because she knows 1st hand what her step-father is capable of yet the judge won't let her in the court room. My ex is extremely good at conning and manipulating the system and has the judge fooled. I don't know what to do and now I can't even see our son. What can I do?
  • My husband was arrested after an arrangement we had we got kinda loud so the next door neighbor called the cops when they arrive my husband was already packed up and out the door he didnt put his hands on me but he did break the phone. I told the cops I didnt want him arrested. Why would they still take him and how can I get him out ASAP
  • I havea one-year old son with a man who has broken my arm and has been charged with aggrivated assault. I obtained an op and he has violated it manytimes. He has broken my nose and I filed charges against him for that. He is still not in jail. He has denied any domestic violence in my family law case and is making making false police reports that makes me sound crazy. How do i protect myself and my son from such a person when the county seems happy to go along with what he has been doing to me? Is there anyone who can go to court with me?
  • My Ex husband was arrested for felony domestic violence in another state with his new wife. He and I share 2 children together and I am very concerned with my child's well being. Can I file emergency orders against him for full custody of my kids?
  • I got granted temporary sole legal decision making of my daughter but during this case I got into a car accident with my other daughter, I was not the driver or passenger and had no illegal part in this accident. Now my daughters father is telling me he has temporary sole custody and I cannot see her at all. He has domestic violence and was told that sole custody was not an option in our case for him. He got a lawyer and we made a settlement so it would be easier for me because the accident ruined everything with my life and I signed it but she told us that we needed to get it notarized.
  • My aunt just got guardian ship of me. My father that adopted me still has custody of my aunt and I are constantly fighting she threatens to send me back to him. Now that I am 16 can move out of my aunt's house and move back in with my biological father that is her brother?
  • My boyfriend was arrested last night for aggravated assault against me. I told the police that he has a history of mental illness and that he needed to go to a psychiatric hospital but they took him to jail anyway. I am not pressing charges but I am afraid the state will. How do I help him get the charge dropped and get mental help?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program