Making Ends Meet
questions & answers
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Question: Can I get a tax break if I downsize to a smaller home
Question: If I am receiving Social Security income, can my creditors get a hold of it?
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Question: I have taken early soc sec retirement. When my wife retires in three years, will she receive her own sep soc sec income based on her working years?
Question: What steps are taken by an escrow company to collect a balloon payment before they forclose?
Question: I have received a notice through a realtor that my mortgage co. is offering me a Relocation Assistance Agreement. I am in foreclosure and they are offering me 2,000 if I sign the agreement and move out within a month. They say that all needed repairs to the home will be deducted from the $2,000. This is an old home built in 1954 and is in need of some repairs. They will proceed with eviction if I do not sign the agreement. How long do Eviction Proceedings take? How long before I will be forced out of my home?
Question: If my car is repossessed, due to non-pmyt, will I still have to pay for the car?
Question: am i able to apply on line? I have trouble with transportaion but will make arrangements if this is not an option for me. Thank you.
Question: If my friend is my beneficiary on my bank account,and he owes back child support can my account be garnished? and he does not have access to my account
Question: I have sold my manufactured home (Personal property?) on a rented lot in AJ. Are there any rules or regulations as to who and how the check for the sale is sent to me? Can my broker and/or agent deposit the money for me in an account if I'm not able to attend the closing? Thank you.
Question: We fell on hard times and couldn't pay our car payment for a leased vehicle. They repossessed the car, sold it and now are suing us for almost the full price that it was being sold for. are we responsible for the full price of a leased vehicle. Why wouldn't we be responsible for just the remainder of the lease payments? And why should we have to pay them for a vehicle we don't have anymore. We can barely make ends meet now a garnishment would make us homeless.
Question: Can the City of Phoenix charge me for service I do not receive. The City charges me for garbage and sewer even though the home is vacant six months out of the year.
Question: What is the procedure for obtaining a Legal Separation with Spousal Support to pay bills.
Question: Me and my boyfriend got an apartment together; it was $50 more than he wanted to pay. I said I would pay the $50 extra for every month that the apartment cost up front. I gave him $300 up front and told him if we were still together after 6 months I would give him the next 6 months in advance. He kicked me out but won't give me my money back. He says that I'm extorting him for money that belongs to him. I only lived there for one week, paid 1/2 of everything to move in, $25 app fee, $100 deposit, $240 which was half of the first months rent. I am just asking for the $300 back. He says it his & me asking for it back & making him pay it back is extortion. What are my rights?
Question: We refinanced our house to lower our monthly payments. The new mortgager is holding, what I feel is an excessive amount of escrow money. Are there limits or a percentage over the tax & insurance costs that they are allowed to hold?
Question: how do I remove my proection order from someone that has a domestic assult?
Question: I currently receive my deceased spouses SS benefits, am I also eligible to receive some of my benefits when I retired?
Question: How do I get daughter off deed to house
Question: My phone/internet provideris constantly charging me late fees. Im on a fixed income that I receive the 2nd Wed of every month and that is the day I write them a check. I try to explain this to them but they continue to charge me late fees. What is AZ law regarding these late fees? I'm 83 and a Korean war vet...I can't afford to continue to pay these fees
Question: My wife and I own a park model home and live here year around. We are both over 70. This is a 55+ park which is fenced and security good. We love living here due to secure area. After buying our home about 2years ago we have had the rent on lot raised 3 times . We live on a small fixed income that has been dipped into hard this past year due to me getting cancer in tonsil and tounge. After 7hr surgery and chemo and radiation much cost had to come from budget. Is there anyway we can stay in our retirement home when the lot price is being pushed past our fixed income.. We are both too old or sic
how do I remove my proection order from someone that has a domestic assult?
What is the procedure for obtaining a Legal Separation with Spousal Support to pay bills.
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Can the City of Phoenix charge me for service I do not receive. The City charges me for garbage and sewer even though the home is vacant six months out of the year.
I have received a notice through a realtor that my mortgage co. is offering me a Relocation Assistance Agreement. I am in foreclosure and they are offering me 2,000 if I sign the agreement and move out within a month. They say that all needed repairs to the home will be deducted from the $2,000. This is an old home built in 1954 and is in need of some repairs. They will proceed with eviction if I do not sign the agreement. How long do Eviction Proceedings take? How long before I will be forced out of my home?
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I currently receive my deceased spouses SS benefits, am I also eligible to receive some of my benefits when I retired?
Me and my boyfriend got an apartment together; it was $50 more than he wanted to pay. I said I would pay the $50 extra for every month that the apartment cost up front. I gave him $300 up front and told him if we were still together after 6 months I would give him the next 6 months in advance. He kicked me out but won't give me my money back. He says that I'm extorting him for money that belongs to him. I only lived there for one week, paid 1/2 of everything to move in, $25 app fee, $100 deposit, $240 which was half of the first months rent. I am just asking for the $300 back. He says it his & me asking for it back & making him pay it back is extortion. What are my rights?
We fell on hard times and couldn't pay our car payment for a leased vehicle. They repossessed the car, sold it and now are suing us for almost the full price that it was being sold for. are we responsible for the full price of a leased vehicle. Why wouldn't we be responsible for just the remainder of the lease payments? And why should we have to pay them for a vehicle we don't have anymore. We can barely make ends meet now a garnishment would make us homeless.
Can I get a tax break if I downsize to a smaller home
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State Bar of Arizona -
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Pima County Bar
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National Domestic Violence Hotline
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Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
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Certified Legal Document Preparer Program
- Arizona Corporation Commission
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