Child Support
questions & answers
Question: I have a 4 yr old daughter and have legal joint decision making with her mother. I have her half the time and sometimes more. I have back child support that I am paying off monthly. 200.00 goes to back 100.00 goes monthly. I pay for daycare twice a week out of pocket and her mother gets state assistant for the rest of the days. I have paid more for child support at times but never less. I have another child , full time job and new family. Her mother is very difficult to talk to and my daughter is coached from her. Can I have my child support lowered or have it all paid to back child support?
Answer: You can petition the court to modify its child support order if you believe you have a "substantial change in circumstances." (Arizona Revised Statutes, Section 25-503). Of course, your ex will have the right to oppose the petition. You can go to the website for the Superior Court. In the self-service center, you will find the Arizona Child Support Guidelines as well as forms and instructions to file for a modification and to serve the papers on your ex. The court's website is
I have a 4 yr old daughter and have legal joint decision making with her mother. I have her half the time and sometimes more. I have back child support that I am paying off monthly. 200.00 goes to back 100.00 goes monthly. I pay for daycare twice a week out of pocket and her mother gets state assistant for the rest of the days. I have paid more for child support at times but never less. I have another child , full time job and new family. Her mother is very difficult to talk to and my daughter is coached from her. Can I have my child support lowered or have it all paid to back child support?
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