Child Support
questions & answers
Question: I live out of state and have a health insurance order for my daughter. Does it have to go through my employer or can I find my own?
Answer: First, I sure you already know this...if you violate a court order, you can face sanctions from the court. With that being said, unless the court specifically stated who you should go through for insurance, I would assume as long as you purchase insurance for your daughter, you would be complying with the court order. If you still are not sure I would suggest two things: 1. contact the court and ask them if the insurance needs to be through your employer (and honestly its probably cheaper that way) or if you can search and find your own, 2. contact a family law attorney with experience with child support issues. They should be able to help navigate you through this process.
I live out of state and have a health insurance order for my daughter. Does it have to go through my employer or can I find my own?
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