St. Elizabeth of Hungary Clinic Profile

Just north of downtown Tucson, St. E's (as it is affectionately known by the hundreds who volunteer here and the thousands who find help) provides vital health care services for the segment of the community caught in between: not eligible for public assistance yet not able to afford private care or private insurance coverage.

140 W. Speedway, Suite 100
Tucson, AZ 85705
Phone: 520.628.7871
Fax: 520.205.8461


  • If my friend is my beneficiary on my bank account,and he owes back child support can my account be garnished? and he does not have access to my account
  • I am a new manager and I discover today that one of my tenants,who lives with boyfriend in an apartment that they rent, has her minor daughter living with her boyfriend,which is not a minor, in the apartment for a while.In the lease are only mother,mother´s boyfriend and daughter.What can I do? Should I call social services,should I cancel their contract?Is legal that the minor lives with her boyfriend( or a guy that is not a minor) and the mother accept that as normal?If the guy is giving them money can be considered that as the mother is making her daughter a prostitute? Please help
  • My sons father has contacted me wanting to see my 13 yr old son after no contact in 10 years. He has a bad criminal history. The last custody order 6 yrs ago said he could have supervised visits with his paternal gramma every other weekend overnight & phone contact when it coincides with my sons schedule. He didn't ever show up for ANY visits or even call. I have agreed to phone contact between them for a few weeks then supervised visits. How long should that last? He wanted to call everyday but I don't want him calling so much. Is asking him to call every other day okay? What are my options?
  • My husband and I have a covenant marriage. We are getting divorced (we meet the necessary requirement to do so), but I'm not sure if I need to file different paperwork. All of the regular divorce paperwork for AZ states that it won't work for covenant marriages. Please advice. Thanks!
  • About 10 years ago I had an affair that ended with the birth of a child. This relation ended (my wife is aware of all this) and since then I have been paying child support. Recently the woman with whom I had the affair married and asked me to sign a legal paper whereby I agree to allow the child to change her last name and assume that of her husband. Does this imply her husband adopted the child?
  • My husband filed for divorce in Maricopa county, we live in Pinal county. Is it possible to have his case dismissed because of this?
  • Is there any fifference between disclure and discovery or are they the same thing?
  • My boyfriend owes almost $100,000 to the State of California. He is paying off the welfare that his ex wife was on. His paychecks are garnished and as of a few days ago his bank account was too. I was planning on joining the Navy in the spring and we wanted to get married. My question is: Will his child support debt transfer to me?Will they be able to garnish my wages and bank account? Will any of this be put on my credit score?
  • how do I remove my proection order from someone that has a domestic assult?
  • I live in a home in which had not been occupied for about 4years. I have been here almost18months now i have done some work on the place like put locks on front door itjusthad a chain throughtthe hole, I’ve fixed resroom sink and painted, i put up a dividing fence in the back yard as well as cleaned up the entire property, I’ve finished the bedroom closet including insulation drywall and soon paint the owner of the home is telling me because i had an incident with his son locking me out of my home that now i have to move out and i have 8days. We have no wtitten agreement. What can i do?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program