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  • My boyfriends little brother is living with us and has been for a long time since their mom got deported. We now need proof of guardianship so he can get his driver license. How do we go about getting this?
  • my mother has guardianship of my daughter and i need to establish visitation rights for myself and my husband for our divorce
  • My sister in law came to stay with us from CA because we didn't want her to be homeless....we allowed her to stay here so that she could have time to get a job and find a place for herself. She is not on the lease and doesn't pay rent nor has there ever been rent spoken of because this was supposed to be temporary. She did have her mail forwarded to herself her. Since moving in we have found out she is actively using street drugs and is not making efforts to help herself and has become increasingly hostile and verbally abusive. Can she still be removed as a guest...the police said no. Help.
  • My ex lost his job in March of this year, he hasn't worked since then. What is the typical course of action when something like this happens? Does a letter get sent to him? Is he required to notify the courts? Any information regarding this process would be alot of help, thanks in advance.
  • My brother is the Trustee of our deceased Mother's estate. I have asked him on several occasions to give me copies of various documents and he has failed to do so. I have very little information regarding the Trust or the financial distributions. How can I get copies of those documents? He has since sold the house that our mother left to both of us but I have seen no money from that sale. He still refuses to give me any information. What can I do?
  • i got pregnant and i found out later that my boyfriend is still pretty much married but separated.and he was living with me for almost 3 mos and i kick him out coz we are having problem question is: If I use my last name when our baby is born on the birth cert. will i still get a child support or that will be a prob.? and he wont tell me his Soc.Sec number and the address of where he works..and he is paying child support for his 3 kids
  • If the father in not on the birth certificate what steps need to be taken to option child support? Since the child is now 8 years old will the father have to pay back for those 8 years? Do they still owe child support if they are not employed or in jail?
  • I presently residing in a over 55 complex for the past three yrs. Never had to pay for rental insurance. Now, with the new lease coming, they are asking for payment on an insurance. My question is: Is this insurance a LAW? Do I have to pay a yearly insurance or montly? If there is no law, I do not/cannot afford to pay. As well as other seniors in the complex. We only live on a SS checks. Many do not have enough to their personal needs. I cannot pay for a lawyer either. I just need to know the LAW on the subject so that I know what to do. Thank you in advance for your kind attention to this mat
  • I got divorced last year in NV. I received full physical custody of my children. We have lived in Yuma since May 2019, recently they went to visit her for spring break in NV. I am in the military and with the COVID-19 restrictions its hard for me to get them. who has jurisdiction over y children state wise? if she wanted to file for custody how would she do it?
  • paternal gmother given guardianship through protective services and sent ward to live in Nevada with maternal gmother and gfather with informal "custody" note then informal gship under NV law. maternal gmother and gfather want to adopt and have consent of guardian as well as consent of mother and unknown father's rights have been terminated. Need to know how to terminate the gship now that adoption case been filed in NV.




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program