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  • My Divorce Attorney has lost over 500 pages of my families financial records.I have been closing accounts, fear of foul play. Should he be held accountable - what can I do, as he chose to ignore it.
  • I have a park manager refusing me access to the community pool because of a late night swim when the gates were closed. No property was damaged. The only reason this is being blown out of proportion is because I had some colorful words with the "KING"(or so he thinks) neighborhood gossip. Him and management are close. They're taking action against me out of spite to make me feel inferior against them.Can I be arrested if I go swimming anyway and ignore the pool moniter? How long can she refuse an amenity I pay for? I own the home, rent the space. I don't know if that makes a difference. -Sara
  • My teenage daughter and I were both arrest for domestic violence and both of us were prosecuted. Same case yet we were both identified as defendants which very effectively eliminated any accountability especially by the courts to address "Victim's Rights" at all. The words "dominate aggressor" does not exist , at least not in the statues in AZ. So my question is: How do the courts justify this? Is this ethical? Every justification so far has been absolutely absurd. Have you thought this through at all? Obviously: no victim, double fees, more income, more DV programs as Dual arrests increase
  • I have a 2 year old from my previous marriage. Her father moved out of state after we separated and filled for divorce since i did not know of his whereabouts i was given sole custody. I have not changed my last name back to my maiden name because i wanted my daughter to have my same last name. Can i add my last name after her father's last name? maybe hyphenated? what is the process? does her father have to sign? where do i go to start the process?
  • I have a daughter who turned 16 at the end of the Summer. I went to court over support modification and visitation. She did not want to spend this past summer with me and the judge conceded but said she will spend the future summers with me. I live out of state and my daughter said she wants to spend the summer next year with her friends in Arizona again. Can I emancipate her if she refuses to see me?
  • Recently my ex has passed and we have a 13 year old that we shared custody of. I am not sure if I need to file with the courts or do I just take over full custody. I am her biological father and there is no one contesting me taking her.
  • Is it worth it to file small claims for deposit that has not been returned, with the landlord living in another state and to also have additional charges for not sending letter why deposit wasn't refunded and for entering residence without prior knowledge or permission? How do I start the process?
  • I received full custody (legal making decisions) for my son but his father, who is on his birth certificate, did not have to terminate his rights. He doesn't make much effort to be in our son's life and is not allowed to have visits unless they are supervised. My husband and I want to move out of state next year, am I within my rights to take him without consent from his father? Hoping for an answer before any big plans are set in motion. Thanks in advance!
  • Can my girlfriend have my last name if we aren't married
  • we are married, my wife and i had our differences, we were getting back together, and one day she got sick, and then passed away, but before that, we had 3 girls together, but now the grandmother says that I abandoned them, and was served with paperwork. do i still have the right to be their father, if we are still leagally married? I do have the right to go there with an officer and pick up my children.




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program