Center for Community Dialogue Profile

Our Family’s Center for Community Dialogue helps Southern Arizonans talk about challenging issues in a skilled, civil and respectful way. We do this through services, training, and community events. •Services: Serving as neutral guides to help people resolve conflict, build consensus or improve communication. Mediation Services for individuals in: Neighborhood, Workplace, Family/Elder, and Small Claims. •Training: Building skills for our staff/volunteers and the community at large in a variety of communication and conflict-resolution processes. •Community events: Facilitating opportunities for dialogue that spark constructive exchange of views and mutual understanding.

3830 E. Bellevue Street,
Tucson, AZ 85712
Phone: 520-323-1708 ext.504


  • I have two kids with my ex girlfriend. We are no longer together. I make a transfer each week to her account in the same amount. We never went to court. Would she be able to say that this wasnt child support money when we do go to court?
  • My daughter is 15 years old. She doesn’t want to visit her dad anymore because he never took care of her and was abusive. What can I do?
  • Post Decree Modificiation for Legal Decision Making and Parenting time: The court vactated a BIA attorney hearing due to a report not being available and moved to dismiss the entire Petiton and place the case on the inactive calander. Opposing party requesting trial with no new evidence? Can I object? Or request a evidentiary hearing as we just had trial Oct 2017 (10 months ago).
  • My boyfriend and I moved here to arizona with them, as grandma bought a mobile home with an Arizona room on some land, when she bought the house we all still lived in Iowa. I had a everything already set up there, but they "invited" us to come with them. They found out on Thursday that I was excepted for a job, and now on Friday it's all of a sudden illegal to live in an Arizona room "according to Arizona law". Is how she put it. My question is how true is this, and why wouldn't she know about this when they bought the house? I feel like I was jeopardized into coming out here.
  • I have a one year old grandson who lives with my daughter. She is the mother of my grandson. The father of the boy and my daughter were never married.The father doesn't work or have an income. My daughter has a job and is the sole income producer of her household.The father of the boy ran up large debt in my daughters name,which she now must repay. My daughter is either scared or blind to the fact she must file for child support for her son. She is digging a hole for herself and her son which she will not be able to get out of. Can a grndprt file child support on behalf of a grandchild?
  • My Ex and I share 2 children in a 50/50 custody parenting plan. My husband and I are relocating to GA taking over his family business. and have sent our intent to relocate over to him. We received an objection back as expected. What are the next steps on our part after receiving the objection? Do courts take into consideration the children's preference of whom they would like to live with? (middle school aged) We received a consultation from a lawyer who blatantly told us that unless he was a drug addict or abuser, we would not be granted permission to move with them. Please help.
  • my boyfriend has to go to court for a dui and since we can't afford an attorney, the judge is making him defend himself and hasn't appointed him a state defender. can he do this? isn't it in your rights that if you can't afford an attorney one will be appointed to you?
  • I am a landlord and my lease specifically states "Mediation then arbitration" My previous tenant has filed a Case in the Civil Small Claims court. Can they legally take me to court if the lease has listed Mediation and Arbitration over a going to court?
  • My sons mother and I lived together since he was born 4 years ago, we are no-longer together and I am considering filing for support on myself for joint custody and parenting time. Will the support be calculated back from the time he was born,from time we separated (1 month), or from time I or she files? for support?
  • My mother is renting a home and wants to increase the term of her lease, but she is wondering if she can terminate the lease early if she has a medical situation that requires her to move? Does she need to include a clause in the lease to cover that situation?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program