Family Lawyer's Assistance Project (FLAP)- Phoenix Profile

FLAP provides assistance to individuals who are representing themselves in family court matters such as paternity, child support, divorce and custody. Second location at 222 E. Javelina, Mesa

201 W. Jefferson, 6th Fl.
Phoenix, AZ 85003
Phone: (602) 506-7948


  • I am buying my trlr at sunset resort mhp but I am renting the space lot since moving here the management has continually harassed my visitors to the I told them call the police well they did and MCSO told them they had to leave and not return that the manager can tel anyone for any reason any time to leave and not return because this is private propert one of those people he has thrown out was a lady who helps me with my house work because of my health non of these people have ever created a disturbance or any problems in this park never a complaint from anyone its like Hitlers camp here how c
  • My ex husband is requesting copies of medical records through our PC. The PC stated that he will write a letter to the court requesting the information. Is this a HIPAA violation? Can I prevent my ex husband from receiving this confidential information? Are my rights not protected now that we are not married?
  • My father-in-law just got approved for AHCCCS. He had originally signed up for Humana so wondering if he can still use the Humana?
  • My landlord keeps showing up at my apartment unannounced, knocking extremely hard. my 23 yr daughter answered the door, he was extremely rude and demanded to speak with me. I am a paraplegic and was sick in bed each time he came over. daughter suggested he call and set a day to talk with me. he still demanded that i get out of bed to talk to him. my daughter went to close the door as she has never met this man, and he stuck his foot in the door and pushed it open, my daughter told him she was gonna call police. this happened on 4 different days, 3rd time refused to talk son who is on lease
  • Although I have guardianship of my young nephew and my wife and I have established ourselves as loco parents. My sister now is in custody of him. (she established herself as a stable loving capable mother) However she has moved in a boyfriend who has established himself as "Daddy" and is now refusing to allow my wife, me nor his maternal grandmother to visit with us. Do I have any enforcible visitation rights as his guardian?
  • A friend came to visit me in AZ and was considering moving here... he filled a full wardrobe of clothes at my place, even changed his drivers license to my address, then left a week later and never returned... the clothes have been sitting here since November 2014, he now reaches out to me 7.5mo later requesting i send them back to him in IL or he will take me to court... he was never a roomate, never on the lease... does he have any legal right to this stuff?
  • What exactly are landlords required to provide for there tenants Other than smoke detectors
  • I own a mobile home in 55 plus in Mesa Arizona been here for years and we've had six managers back in 2016 the last management gave me a copy of my lease but didn't tell me I didn't have to sign it and so now I have no lease sign currently and the managent locked my gate code so I can't get in the park but my lot rent is payed up
  • I am a single adult with out children, no income or medical insurance, when can i apply for accchs?
  • I was arrested when I told the officer that I hit my ex-boyfriend. He had thrown a blanket over me and grabbed me. I fought back out of fear. My roommate intervened and my ex left before the police arrived. My ex threatened me if I told the police anything that got him in trouble, so I didn't know what to tell them. I got arrested because I said I hit my ex. My ex gave no statement, hasn't been in contact with the prosecutor, and there isn't any evidence that I did anything but protect myself. My roommate was there and is a witness. Can I possibly be found guilty for protecting myself?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program