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  • Can I put a restraining order on my wife for myself and our three children? We are in the middle of a divorce and the kids live with me, I take care of them, she hardly calls or comes to see them but everytime I don't give her money she threatens to take them and remove them from school while I'm at work? I need an order of protection to keep her away until the court hearing. Can I do this?
  • Can I get an order of protection against my husband for verbally and emotionally abusing me and our teen daughter? There is no act of physical violence, but there was a reported act if violence five years ago. Although I don't have any fears if him hurting us physically there is almost daily verbal abuse, yelling, name calling, etc.
  • My boyfriend was renting a condo, he was the only one on the lease, he got arrested and the landlord talked to him amd he gave the ok to add me to the lease. She sent me an amendment to the lease (she couldn't print it), accepted partial payment of rent and came back 2 days later with cops telling me to leave the property since im not on the lease. Can she do that? What are my rights? ?
  • I want to get married but my fiance is concerned that his barber school lien will negatively impact me. Is there any reason to delay getting married?
  • My daughter's father has abandoned her for the last 6 years. Can I file for termination of parental rights and how do I do so.
  • I am asking this question on behalf of my dear friend who is a senior and does not own a computer in which to ask this question. A year ago, my friends son bought a home in Youngtown, Arizona, for his mom 76 yrs of age and his dad who is 84 yrs of age, to live in until they die, rent free. Today he wants to evict them. What can they do? Do they have any rights? What are AZ laws regarding unwritten tenancy agreements?
  • When the child turns 18 does the child support stop or does the support continue until what age?
  • We have been waiting six months for the apartment's to fix the bathroom. It has mold. What to do. Other tenant's are having issue's to with electric and other mintance.
  • Who's responsible for AC unit?
  • I am divorced and my ex took my children out of the state of arizona. She didnt give written notice of this and she lied to me and the children that she was moving some where else in the state what can I do to get my children back???




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program