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  • If house is foreclosed on, what does the new owner need to provide to the old owner and how long does the the old owner have to get out by law?
  • Can a 17 year old change their last name without parental consent?
  • i have a 15yr old daughter,whos father has avoided takin a dna test,and has never paid support.i could never get an order for support because we could never track him down.but recently we found him and had a dna i entitled to collect back support for the 15yrs he hadnt paid a dime
  • I have a 15 month old child with my girl friend. she the mother has been out of state for 3 an a half months I have been supporting and taking care my son sence birth do I have any legal rights
  • what websit can i go to and see if my husband did are divorce?
  • When my son was born 12 years ago his father and I weren't married and I gave him my last name, this was in San diego. Then his father and i married in Virginia. I didn't change his name on his birth certificate but I did have it changed on his social security card to his father's last name. So since he was 2 he's had his fathers name. Since then we've divorced and I've remarried. But I wanted to finally change my son's last name on his b-certifn
  • Mother has been extradited out of state. She is remarried. Natural father is deceased. Child does not want to stay with stepdad but he says she has to. Can the child go to grandparents while mother is in jail or does she have to stay with stepdad. He has not adopted child
  • How do I obtain Guardianship of my minor cousins when mother and grandparents are deceased and fathers are not known. I live in Phoenix arizona and they reside in San Diego California?
  • My mother let her ex daughter-in-law stay in a rental she owns, they had a verbal agreement that it was only for a few weeks until she found a place to live. She is still there months later, has not paid any rent and will not leave. How do we evict her?
  • I have filed a charge with the EEOC against my employer. Do I have to find another representative for wrongful termination, breach of contract? I was suspended for 2 weeks to take care of a legal issue but then was termed on the 6th day into the 2 week suspension on matters not relevant to suspension.




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program