DNA - People's Legal Services, Inc., Flagstaff Profile

Provides general civil legal assistance to low income individuals living on or near the Coconino Reservations for Navajo, Hualapai and Havasupai Tribes

2323 E. Greenlaw Lane, Suite 1
Flagstaff, AZ 86004
Phone: 928.774.0653 Toll Free: 800.789.5781
Toll Free: 800.789.5781
Fax: 928.774.9452
Website: http://www.nativelegalnet.org


  • City did work at my mom & dads 10teaes ago and they broke their sewer line they repaired it and they have had problems ever cents this past month they had a plumber come out and dig it up and they charge them $5000 shouldn't the city still be obligated because they're the ones that broke the sewer line in the first place to get it repaired again or to replace line if they didn't do the gas project they wouldn't have this problem
  • Does my landlord have the right to evict me for holding back rent for maintenance issues?
  • Our lease on our Apt. ended and we had a three month extension. The three months are up and we are moving. the Apt are coming at us saying we are liable for another months rent. The apt. is claiming a 30 day vacancy notice but the lease is already up. i also had one roomate leave and another move in during the lease period. Teh question I have is can they hold us responsible for the one month extra rent?
  • the dishwasher isn't working am i required to fix it?
  • I am in the process of a divorce and will be moving back to my home state. As part of the divorce, our house will have to be sold. Do I have to continue living in AZ once the divorce if finalized or can I move back to my home state?
  • My landlord has asked my roommate from what they have told me to write down my ssi number on note paper instead of calling my guardian or calling me or even asking in person what do I do and do I need to contact authorities
  • Is a disabled person still responsible for arrears even when the court orders that the non custodial parent is unable to work?
  • If I Owe 3,000 to my private owner how much of that money will i pay if i wasn't in a lease agreement and she didnt have me sign a new one after my 1st one was up...But On My Credit I Have An Eviction I Want It Off But I Feel The Money She's Wants I Shouldnt have to pay if i wasn't on a lease anymore correct? Or am i wrong since its a private owner
  • My ex husband was ordered by the court to provide me with his address and employment information within 10 days. It's been well over the 10 days and he refuses to give me the information. What forms do I file to request contempt charges and that he be forced to give me the information?
  • My companion passed recently and left me a life estate,but his children are trying to throw me out. They go in and out of the house while I'm living there and go through my things. They keep threatening to remove me ,so they can sell the house. Do I have any rights with this life estate ?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program