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  • I have lived in same Apt for 11 yrs, on my 3rd landlord, no lease , month to month. Recently he raised my rent again, 2nd time in 2.5 yrs. Now he renting the vacent apts for less than what I have to pay now. Is that legal??
  • i heard that it is legal for some to move out of their guardians home if they are 17 and 9 months. Is that true?
  • How can I get my vehicle back from peora police dept. It was impounded because it was listed on a warrant that was issued on my boyfriends house. They said it is there for evidence. It's my car. I bought it before I meet my boyfriend, but I'm always at his house. I have my own apartment. They found drugs in his house
  • I recently rented a house from an individual. To my surprise, after paying all the rent for first month, is that the person I rented this from has signed a relocation agreement with the bank and forced us out of the household in less than a month. Under what statues am I able to pursue this individual? The lease still has 5 months left in contract and we've since been locked out of the household and the landlord has taken a few appliances and other belongings. Thanks in advance!
  • I've had a leak in the wall in my kitchen from the unit above me, I submitted a maintenance request, the maintenance department falsely closed out the request without taking care of the issue and said there was no signs of leakage. I informed property management of the issue, they got a maintenance man to come to my unit and upon first sight he noticed that it was a major problem and stated that he would come back on Monday 01/06/2020 when his supervisor was on duty and has not returned. The leak has been going on for months. I'm sure that there may be mildew by now. What are my rights?
  • I am trying to find information for a friend who is unable to afford a divorce/legal separation. His spouse has essentially kidnapped their son and left the state without any contact. The cost of filing for legal separation/divorce is not prohibitive, but the forms require legal assistance to fill out properly which is costly. Is there a way to petition for temporary custody order/rights without filing for legal separation to bring their son back to his home state?
  • I recently moved to Arizona from Oregon. I tried to be seen by a local internist and was refused service without an explanation. I have no conditions which could make me a concern. I asked the office for their evaluation criteria and they would not provide it. If they are going to refuse service, they should at least state the grounds for doing so.
  • My daughter's father bought a new car fo her 17th birthday but it is registered in my(mother) name Now she moved to boyfriends house and there are many problems. Do I have to sign title over to her?
  • If I never got cited or arrested for misd. theft, and now after four months the state picked it up, can the plaintiff drop charges.
  • I am from Texas and had 2 children which reside in Texas with my ex. I want to know how can i get visitstion rights, where to file, and if I can get them during school breaks. The reason I ask is because i went back to Texas to visit them and my ex didn't let me see them and she won't even answer my phone calls.




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program