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  • My name is not on the lease and my ex-wife and I have lived there for fours years and now she is trying serve me with and eviction notice. I pay haif the rent and everything.
  • Was told by my interviewer that I must present all of my family's birth certificates so that DES may "stamp" them. She said this was a law as of April 2006, however, the first time I applied, they did not say this, nor did they "stamp" our birth certificates. I'd like to know where I can find this law, and will I be turned down for food stamps and AHCCCS if I don't let DES stamp our birth certificates?
  • Hello I have a 6 year old daughter in which her biological father has not seen since she was 2 years old. He also has never helped with any support towards her the only contact they have is via the phone when she sees her grandparents. He will not sign the passport papers to allow me to travel with her outside of the country. I just want to have legal rights over my daughter what do I need to do, to accomplish this?
  • i currently live in a mobile home with my 3 children. I had a water leak in my kitchen that got repaired for outside, now the inside of my home smells like mold, and my bathroom floor is caving in. I have sent numerous of work orders and nothing has been completed. Do I have the right to withhold rent until damages are fixed?
  • I am a grandmother of four children and their mother continues to take them to GA every year and bring them back every year. This year she is taking them for good, but they dont want to be there. I am looking for a way to get them back to MS, but i dont have money for a lawyer. She had the law on her side so I am asking if there is a way to get my grandchildren back home with me?
  • My daughter is incarcerated at the Mohave county jail and has been for three or so months. Her attorney filed a rule 11 in her case. What is that? And they are trying to find her incompentate to stand trail. She has a mental disorder and they have her on lock down 24 hours a day. I cant have visits with her at all. And they told me to call first and when I do they say yes she can have a visit but when I get there they (visiting receptionist) tells me sorry the pod or she is on lockdown. what can I do about this?
  • I came across an abandon/foreclosed home and I would like to find out more about taking adverse possession of the property. What do I need to know about doing this? I need the pro's and con's, please! M
  • Am I eligible for FMLA if I am an uncovered employee and I need to care for a sibling?
  • My 14 year old son refuses to live or visit his father and we have not followed the court order for over 5 years what do I need to do?
  • My family and I had a verbal agreement with the landlord to pay $900 monthly and my lease would end in December, the landlord then sold the home and I had already paid rent to him. The new owner shows up and says that since I technically didn’t pay rent they are going to file for an eviction is this legal? And if so don’t they need my full name, date of birth and Social to properly evict me???




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program