DNA- People's Legal Services - Fort Defiance Profile
DNA has 9 offices in 3 states. They provide general civil legal assistance to low income individuals living on or near the reservations they serve and low income individuals living in Coconino, Apache and Navajo Counties (Arizona) or San Juan County (New Mexico). Most clients must meet income and asset guidelines established by the Legal Services Corporation (LSC).
AddressP.O. Box 306 (office next to Fina Gas Station)
Window Rock, AZ 86515
Phone: 928.871.4151Toll Free: 800.789.5824
Toll Free: 800.789.5824
Fax: 928.871.5036
Website: http://www.nativelegalnet.org
What steps do I need to take for filling full custody of my child when we both have joint custody
i was putting tires in tire ben at discount tire when the cops pulled up and said i was stealing tires and arrested me for third degree burg. that was two years ago . i had no tires in my truck the dopor to the tire ben was open . put the cop said she saw men putting tires in my truck . do the cops have engouh to convict me on just what the cop said
My ex wife and I have been divorced for 18 months and it involved two kids. Our divorce decree and final agreement is filed in Rogers County Oklahoma. I now live in Arizona and have since the separation in May of 05. This summer my son came to visit and he has been asking his mom if he could live here and she gave me written and verbal permission that he could and now he has been here for 3 months with the agreement that we would modify the final agreement and child support. He is enrolled in school and school activities and after school activities and is doing very well. She is now wanting him to come back to Oklahoma and I want to file documents to keep her from doing this........can I do it here in Arizona or does he have to be here for a certain amount of time? Where can I go to get more info on the net?
I am a veteran I tried to attempt suicide 11 months ago and I am currently ordered to pay child support but the way life is going I think its in the best interest of the kids to not have a relationship with me because of my mental health problems and major financial issues. How to I go about giving up all parental rights and financial obligations without having to discuss my suicide attempt in court? I just want to let them live a happy life and not worry about me because I plan on moving away in the next few months.
If a divorced parent has full legal custody and full physical custody can they legally move the children out of state without the consent of the other parent?
My apartment community has changed ownership several times since I moved in 4 years ago. I discovered that my unit was wired to provide electricity for one of the apartment amenities that was outside of my unit. The management has fixed the problem but they are only offering to reimburse me for the time that they owned the property, about 13 months and told me that I would have to track down the previous owners for the rest of the money. Should they be obligated to pay a rebate for the 3 years that I was paying for their electricity or do I indeed need to take it up with the previous owners
A court signed an Injunction Against Harrassment to protect me from my ex-boyfriend but I cannot afford to pay a process server to have the injunction served on him. He is still harrassing me but leaves before the police arrive. What should I do?
My daughters fathers name is not on the birth certific and he has not been in her life, do i need to file for custody and how do i go after him for child support?
I am on a short term medical leave that I had to fill out fmla papers for as well. They told me they didn't have to hold my job so when I go back do they have to offer me something else at my same rate of pay?
if my chilldren are in temp foster care can I request a custody of my chilldren
Free & Reduced Fees Legal Aid Resources
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- Please select your county of residence below.
State Bar of Arizona
www.azbar.org -
Maricopa County Bar
Referral number 602-257-4434 -
Pima County Bar
Referral number 520-623-4625 -
National Domestic Violence Hotline
800-799-7233 -
Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
866-553-0893 -
Certified Legal Document Preparer Program
- Information & Referral Services
View full description - Catholic Community Services of Southern Arizona, Inc.
View full description - DNA- People's Legal Services - Fort Defiance
View full description - Community Services of Arizona, Inc.
View full description - Volunteer Lawyers Program - Yuma
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