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  • If I have full custody does that mean I will be the one to name my child when they are born ?
  • i am disabled 65 yr old male under eviction as a result of my dog biting a tresspasser. how much time in hours do ihave to remove my personal items during the 21 day time frame allotted me by the landlord before removal by said landlord?
  • I purchased an ET center from a local store. I signed a paper that said no refunds and exchanges are per their approval. I asked them to place this furniture on hold for a least a month as our home was being rebuilt from a fire. Twelve days later I called them and advised I no longer wanted the furniture and they have refused to credit my credit card due to the paper I signed. Is this legal for them to say no refunds on furniture I never got?
  • my spouse is filing for divorce and we have decided on the things that we agree on. however, I can't afford an attorney. Is it possible to get an attorney to review the agreement for me and how much would that cost?
  • I rent a mobile home that has a large front and back yard. My landlord is always on the property and coming over unannounced. I understand I rent from him but how much privacy am I entitled to? The landlord also has a storage shed that sits behind the mobile home. We don't use. The neighbor next door comes over whenever he pleases and uses the storage shed. He says the landlord lets him use it. I feel like I have no privacy whatsoever!
  • How long after a motion to dismiss or change of venue is presented does a Justice Court Judge have, to rule on that motion?
  • My proprty is seduced to be sold today at a Trustee's auction. I had a new loan approved for past two weeks that would pay the existing note in full, the trustee deliberately withheld the final payoff statement until 4:59 p.m. on the day prior to the foreclosure, making it impossible to fund on the new loan in time to stop the sale. Is there anything we can do to stop the sale and buy ourselves a few days to get the new loan closed?
  • if I am a newly leased renter and when I moved into my apartment there was no smoke detector in the apartment and they have not put one in in the past 3 months I've lived here what would be there legal obligation?
  • I recently leased my home to a family. The house is 4300 sqft has a shelved/ closeted garage, an attic and a shed. The tenants have storage space within the house and a small amount of space in the garage. I left some of my belongings in the attic, the garage and household items in the shed. Am I allowed to store my belongings in my garage and attic as it is still my house.
  • My husband has a child from a previous relationship. We aren't positive that the child is actually his. He is a resident of Arizona, the mother lives in Washington state along with the child. My question is this, which state , Arizona or Washington, would have jurisdiction to decide Child Support payments and establishing paternity?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program