Arizona Attorney General's Office (Prescott) Profile
The Arizona Attorney General's Office in Prescott provides a variety of services to the people living in Northern Arizona including but not limited to issues of fraud, health care and abuse.
Address1000 Ainsworth Dr
Ste A-210
Prescott, AZ 86305-1610
Phone: (928) 778-1265
My roommate and I have been experience rodents for the past month. Together we removed two rats from our air vents and only the on-site maintenance was resolving the issue for 10 business days before the pest control came. They were to be inspecting once a week and after three weeks we would move to step two. They have not been coming to inspect and now we have rat mites. Our management is not bringing them in to irradiate this issue or clean our air vents. Can we break our lease?
Can you get assistance if you quit your job?
How much can a mobile home park charge for a pet deposit?
I was a stay-at-home mom for the majority of my marriage. During that time I accrued some student loans. In our separation agreement we each agreed to pay half of that, and any other, debt. A lawyer I spoke with stated that I am eligible for alimony (we were married 9 years and I stayed home for 6 of them), but my spouse takes great exception to this. He believes that since I did not contribute, monetarily, I should not be entitled to alimony. What should my expectations be?
I never married the father of my daughter. Will he be able to take custody of my daughter. He is a convicted felon and currently does not have a place to live. I pay for her insurance, preschool, clothes and food. I want to get sole custody. Is it possible.
I have raised my grandaughter since she was six months and she is now 7 yrs old. My son lives with me and has legal guardianship over her. Her mother came and got her two days ago stating she now wants to raise her. What legal grounds do I have or what can I do to obtain guardianship over her?
My husband has a child from a previous relationship. We aren't positive that the child is actually his. He is a resident of Arizona, the mother lives in Washington state along with the child. My question is this, which state , Arizona or Washington, would have jurisdiction to decide Child Support payments and establishing paternity?
My son-in-law sued for divorce from my daughter. Two kids are involved--16 and 11. His attorney (say Mr. X) has subpoenaed me to testify on his client's behalf. I do not want to testify. Q1. Does the fact that his attorney met with my wife and me c. 1 yr ago to discuss my daughter's issues as the relate to the kids disqualify him as having knowledge we gave in confidence to him? Q2. Does the same apply to my wife, my daughter's step mother? Q3. I have worked with both to provide a negotiated settlement, divulging information that may compromise her if I testify. Will this disqualify me?
Is it true that a used car dealership is required by law to disclose to a prospective buyer that a vehicle being considered for purchase has been in a prior accident if the dealer is aware that it has been?
If in the divorce decree it states a minimum of 2 weekends a month am I able to ask for an additional weekend to be added each month? Is the custodial parent entitled to have the other 2 weekends that my child is not with me if I request that third weekend?
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