Landlord and Tenant Rights and Responsibilities Article

Frequently Asked Questions about Mediation

What is mediation?

Mediation is a voluntary and confidential way for people to resolve their disagreements. During mediation, people meet at a safe and neutral place to discuss their options for effectively resolving their problem. One or two mediators guide the process to help keep communication respectful.

Why should I try mediation?

Mediation can be an effective first step in trying to resolve a conflict. It saves time, money, and energy that might otherwise be spent tangled in a frustrating legal process. In mediation, people in conflict decide for themselves the solution that is right for them. Mediation helps people clear the air so they can preserve their relationship, which otherwise might be damaged if they went to court.

What situations can be mediated?

  • Neighbor issues: property-line disputes, animal noise, shared walls, trees
  • Landlord/tenant problems: money owed, payment plans, deposits, refunds, back rent
  • Family conflicts: decision making about care of aging parents or other family members, communicating with teens
  • Real estate disputes: earnest money, non-disclosure of damage
  • Small claims: property damage, money owed
  • Business issues: partner disagreements, client complaints
  • Employee conflicts: office issues, coworkers who don’t get along
  • Personal injury claims: auto accidents, premises liability
  • Domestic relations: divorce and child custody
  • Group decision making: neighborhood associations, community organizations, schools, clubs, boards of directors

What does a typical mediation look like?

Participants meet with one or two mediators, who explain the process and ask them to agree to some guidelines for respectful communication. Each participant will have an opportunity to share his or her side of the story, what the participant wants, and what he or she is willing to do to help solve the problem. The mediator(s) will listen and ask questions, making sure that the participants are clearly hearing and understanding each other. If the participants reach an agreement, the mediator(s) will help ensure that it is fair and specific.

Who are the mediators?

Mediators are a diverse group trained to be unbiased and neutral. They help people communicate effectively but do not take sides or review evidence.

Is mediation legally binding?

Participants create a written agreement and each receives a copy. Some agreements reached in mediations involving money, personal injury claims, business disputes, domestic relations, or real estate can be legally binding. Mediation agreements reached in other less formal disputes (such as animal noise complaints) may not be enforcible in court. Nonetheless, statics show that most of these informal agreements  remain in force long after they were entered into by the participants. 

How long does a mediation take?

Most mediations sessions are scheduled for two to four hours.

Who/what should I bring to the mediation?

Participants bring only themselves, though they may bring a spouse or partner who is affected by the problem as well. You may bring information such as logs or photos that you can use to help the other participant understand your point of view. Other people who might be helpful to the mediation may attend, but only with prior approval of both participants. Attorneys sometimes attend mediations arising from formal disputes. Where the disputes is more informal the participants normally represent themselves.

How much does a mediation cost?

It depends on the organization doing the mediation and the type of dispute between the parties. Private mediators generally charge an hourly fee. Mediation services offered through the court system or a community mediation service are often available for free or at a nominal charge.

I’m having a conflict with someone in another state. Can mediation be done via phone?

Yes, mediation services often can be provided via conference call or web-based video conferencing platforms.

Will the mediator discuss my case with anyone else (attorneys, law enforcement, case workers, etc.)?

The entire mediation process is protected by law as confidential. Except for unusual circumstances such as actual or threatened violence during the mediation, or evidence of abuse of a minor or vulnerable adult, mediators are prohibited by law from discussing your case with anyone without your permission. Mediators and their case files may not be subpoenaed without a court order. 

Contributing Attorney: Dan Westerburg is one of many volunteer mediators at The Center for Community Dialogue a program of Our Family Services in Tucson.



  • I the home owner. I had a management co. The renter tried to fix stuff on his own. EX. tub faucet was taken off and the pipe was caped off with looks like a lotion top. Internal parts of toilet was removed and not replaced. Just to name a few. The never contacted the company to have them fixed. The CO is now telling me stuff I can't charge for the renter for failing to have them so the repairs. They are also telling me that a plumber costs to much & she has a handy man that can do the job instead of the plumber. She is also said doors that have dents can be patched instead of a new door.
  • My roommate and I signed a lease together. She moved all of her stuff out, while I was on vacation, yet doesn't want to cancel the lease and continue paying her rent. I am pretty sure she is going to flake out on my lease, which will therefor hurt her and I. What steps do I need to take to get this resolved in regards to suing her.
  • We were renting from the man who owes 1/4 house who also presited here as well...he past a few day's ago and the other owners cameand said We have to leave we have to or do weget Some time to find new place to Live
  • We have lived in a rental since 2009. Two years ago, the house was sold to a new owner and now we have a property management company that we talk to. (Prior was family friend owner). There is a large Tree in the back yard, over 30 ft tall, that has been maintained by the previous owner personally and by some people the property management sent over three different times since taking over the property. Due to a recent storm, the tree has broken branches 20 + feet in the air. The property management company was notified and have told me its my responsibilty. Is this true or not?
  • Does a landlord have to store my left over belongings after a fuve day eviction
  • We put a maintenance request in over a year ago about a leaking skylight. The property manager has yet to fix it. It is getting worse and growing mold now. I put in a new maintenance request over the weekend and have yet to hear from anyone. Is this something that I can withhold rent for until it is fixed or should I hire someone to fix it myself? I do have proof of the original maintenance request dated 4/19/2019 as well as the one I just put in. I don't know how they expect me to pay $1500 dollars for a home with a leak and mold that they won't fix.
  • I live in a condo and I rent from a management company. I was given a visitors pass for when I would have guests over. Recently there has been parking violations on my fiance's car and said it will be towed. I have nothing in my rental lease that states that I can not let guests park at my place of residence. would this warrant me to break my lease and not lose my deposit? I can not have any guests? or the car will be towed?
  • We have a serious mold problem. Everyone in the house is sick all the time. It is from the leaks in the roof which have been fixed over and over by the maintenance men. Is this negligence on the landlords part and can we sue for damages?
  • If the a/c unit goes out in your apartment can you deduct the cost of a hotel room from your rent
  • Can a landlord or management company change their property rules to No Smoking inside your dwelling or outside after 30 years??? This has been my home for 8 years and I think this is a personal choice and I feel that I am being discriminated against. Thank you in advance for your answer, Andy




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program