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  • Asking landlord for contract since Aug 16,2 Aug 16, had flood, he remove carpet promised to fix everything. My wife and 4 kids play in the cement for 5 ½ mths.Water from broom through wall damage our belonging in the garage.-Gar. Disposal, Microwave, and toilets not fixed.Withheld Dec rent, pay after he promised to fix the problems. He did not.Withheld Jan rent, pay after he threatened me by text that he will evict us.18 Jan 17, he left court papers on door w/a court day 24 Jan 17 to evict w/i 5 days.The tenants in the other flooded apartment are Anglo and their apartment was fixed w/i 2-weeks
  • Our lease states that a clothes washer and dryer are "furnished appliances." Knowing that they would be here is part of what made us decide to move here. We discussed it with our landlord before we moved in, and he said he would have take care of it. After two months, we still don't have a washer and dryer. When I brought it up to the landlord last week, he said he didn't remember the conversation, but if I wanted, he would buy a washer and dryer, and he would let us pay it off with our rent. I looked at the lease again, just to make sure I remembered correctly, and don't understand this.
  • I need to modify the visitation for my 12 year old daughter as she claims her dad drinks & drives with her during his visitation. She still loves him and wants to see him, but not stay as she does not feel safe. Can I file in a different venue? How easy is it to get a venue change?
  • My mother was deported and left behind my 15 year old brother and 16 year old cousin. How can I get legal Guardianship of both of them?
  • I have lived and worked in AZ since July 2009. My Ex-wife has not lived in CA. for over 8 years. She is the custodial parent of my 2 boys, one is 19 and the other is 17. I have a child support case in CA and they just garnished my wages and when I called them to transfer my case to AZ. They told me that I couldn't and that they had to transfer it to the custoodial parent's state. Well, I think she lives in Texas, but I have no contact with her or my boys. So, what I need to know is what do I have to do to get my case transfered out of CA. So, that I can do a modify my child support amount.
  • how long do a landlord have to repair a/c
  • Does child support stop at 18? (my son turned 18 last october 2018, but didn't graduate HS until May 2019.
  • A room in our home was rented on a month-to-month basis. The 1st month was a trial period to see if they were a good "fit." The man intimidated a disabled female in the home and verbally assaulted her the following day (at which time they were given 10 days to vacate), they were caught smoking marijuana in the home (given a verbal warning), their dog bit someone (didn't break skin just bruising and swelling), caught smoking a second time - told to leave immediately and made threats of imminent harm. Have not returned to claim possessions as agreed and claim we owe them money. What do I do?
  • Am I eligible for U.I. benefits if I am employed part time? My employer has reduced my hours to 25 or less per week due to the seasonal nature of the work.
  • My roommate had a friend come over and ask if he could spend the night. We agreed to let him spend the night and a week later he won't leave. He isn't a tenant here and pays no bills here. What do i need to do to get him out of my home?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program