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  • My daughtger 15 Family freind 21: trying to date,trying to be ingaged, her threatening to run away/move out. What are my rights to her and what she can and cabnt do?
  • Post Decree Modificiation for Legal Decision Making and Parenting time: The court vactated a BIA attorney hearing due to a report not being available and moved to dismiss the entire Petiton and place the case on the inactive calander. Opposing party requesting trial with no new evidence? Can I object? Or request a evidentiary hearing as we just had trial Oct 2017 (10 months ago).
  • Is therea statute to limititations toproviding evidence,specifically witness testimony(several)of eye witness observation of thedomestic violence perpetrator ?Specifically incidents happened about 3 years ago . One party (With the witness testimonies) has consistently voiced the occurence ofdomestic violence in court hearings regarding child custody cases . While the other party has consistently denied it . Concerns have been reviewed and the perpetrator has managed to elude all agencies of thisproblem ( which is now goingonwith his new live in partner in front of the children(not the witness
  • My friend has a son and the mother currently has sole custody of him. She currently resides in a two bedroom apt with her boyfriend whereas my friend is renting a three bedroom house. His son has his own room and the mother has the son sharing a room with two children 10, 8 that belong to her boyfriend. Is there some sort of law that makes it not okay for my friend's son to share a room with two older children that aren't blood related?
  • Does military service put you at a disadvantage for custody disputes?
  • I am not currently working and haven't for 5 year because I was the homemaker. I'm getting a divorce and since child support requires you put you make a min. of 1255.70 a month can I also put in how much day care will be for my 2 sons even if they are not in day care yet, but will be when I find a job? When entering day care in the child support agreement child support goes up a lot and I know eventually it will be used. I just am not sure if they will allow me to put that in there. If I have to put I make money, shouldn't I be required to add in child care too?
  • my husband wants to adopted my oldest son, he has been taking care of him since he was 3 years old. my son biological father pays child support but has not since my son for years now and my son wants nothing to do with him. would my husband be alt to adopted him we have been married for 2 years but have been together for more then 10 years .
  • before my child's birth can I temporarily give custody to my grandmother of my new born child
  • What needs to happen to get a divorce decree modified as to custody. What are the determining factors - proof of immediate danger to the children? For instance I hate the guy my ex married and I think hes a terrible guy - he had a questionable past including a short time in jail. Is that enough to modify custody?
  • Hi I recently split with my mother of my children back in jan 2014. It is now Aug 2014. Ive been back and forth to AZ from CA every month except for june. She refuses to let me see my kids unless she is present. My last trip to visit my kids she said id never she them again and would be taking me to court. I moved to california in April because I had a support system out here. Ive finally gotten a job and will start in 2 weeks. What are the necessary steps on getting custody over my children?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program