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  • is tree trimming that requires a professional trimmer considered landscaping for a renter in an hoa community? I paid $300.00 that I couldn't afford.
  • is "strict" foreclosure or "deed in lieu" foreclosure available in arizona?
  • My ex and I have joint custody and a set schedule. I’m paying child support and I have back pay. Now that our child will be going to school we both have decided that it’s in our child’s best interest if the schedule changes one week off and on. I would like to know If there’s something I can file to terminate child support but continue to pay backpay only?
  • The lease for my apartment ended on the 31st of the month. The office assistance told me to turn in my key on the 1st before 5pm. I did as told when I turned in the key on 1st at 3pm they said i will be charged for additional month’s rent due to the extra day i stayed in the apartment not charged for the one day but charged a whole extra $699 rent. They implied that i should have turned the key in the drop box before the office opened and were “sorry” for mis-communication. They directly told me the 1st before 5pm.
  • Where Can I Buy Cialis Without Prescription Online at Lowest Price?

  • can a mother say she had no children in a last will and testament if she does. Then state that no one of her lineage can contest the will?
  • I want to file a law suit representing myself. Is this "In Pro Per" or "En Pro Per" ?
  • We have been having trouble with our A/C unit for over a year now and each time the landlord "fixes" it it breaks soon after. Last summer our place was uninhabitable for 3 weeks. The landlord "fixed" our AC twice already this week. Today they showed up to let us know it's still broken. What do we do?
  • My Ex husband was arrested for felony domestic violence in another state with his new wife. He and I share 2 children together and I am very concerned with my child's well being. Can I file emergency orders against him for full custody of my kids?
  • My son began renting an apartment 3 weeks ago. He purchased new furniture other than his bed he has had with no issues. In the past four days he and his girlfriend have noticed bites on them and she now has a rash from the bites. To make a long story short they found bed bugs on the corner of his mattress that is adjacent to a electrical outlet. He cut open his mattress looking for tale tale signs of any more only to find nothing. He plans on asking his the apartment to spray his and the adjacent apartments and allow him to move out to another unit. What are his rights?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program