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  • I am a truck driver and I drive the company truck. My company is asking me to sign a policy in which if there is any damage to the truck I will have to pay out my own pocket. If we do not sign the policy we will be fired. Is this legal? What type of attorney would I hire to review the policy?
  • I belong to a Property Owner's Association. The manager and the original Developer states we do not follow ARS Title 33 because the Association is a non-profit corp. and does not own property. We are all mandated members that must pay dues to maintain the roads that are dedicated to public use. We have bylaws, CC&R's. Is this true? The developer is getting properties back thru foreclosures and says he does not owe dues and is using his 10-1 votes from the foreclosures. Our CC&Rs say that if the first mortgagee gets property back they are not liable for past dues, but from acquisition. Help?
  • how can i get help with my land lord trying to charge me for the patio roof for leaking when soon as I seen it I told him about it? I have pics and emails from when I first told them about it in April 2015 and now its Nov 2015 and they just doing something about it?
  • How do I get a warrant served for a deadbeat parent that is in arrears of almost $35,000? He seems to disappear alot.I can't get the sherrifs department to go after him unless there is a warrant.
  • My boyfrhhiend has told me that he does not have any connection to our daughter. He has indicated that he is going to leave and has no interest in seeing her. Should I file for full custody even though he has no interest in any custody? What would I need to do to get it started?
  • Can I use an AZ lawyer to expunge my record on a felony case from 2005 in Missouri?
  • I haven't had power in my house in 2 months I've contacted my landlord and she refusses to fix it and when she did she made things worse Who do i contact about this I've called everyone I need help
  • We've been living with my boyfriends parents and we're paying rent every month. This month we paid rent, then 2 days later we were given the rent money back and told us we have 30 days to find somewhere else to go. Then 2 weeks later they decided to let us stay and are now asking for rent money again for this month. (and we are going into an apartment next month "July") Any advice on what to do would be great!
  • definition meaning of records for destruction
  • How do I apply for help? I called 480-xxx three times waited for over an hour each time and was hung up onthree times. I am ttrying to apply on line and no way to apply. I am on disability am a single mom with three children. Their dad is abusive. I need sole custody and I need help please call me back.




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program