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  • How do I determine my wife's legal name? Prior to marriage and according to her birth certificate, her name was [first name] [mother's maiden surname] [father's surname]. After marriage and consistent with her cultural practice, she dropped her mother's maiden surname as a middle name and now uses [first name] [Father's surname] [husbands surname]. There is no indication of the name change on the marriage certificate. How do we know what is the proper name to use for driver's licenses, passports etc.?
  • how long may I have a guest stay with me
  • How do I file for divorce when domestic violence is cause for the divorce?
  • My mother recently passed away with no will and no power of attorney. She had a checking account that has me as a signatory. It was all her money and I've paid her funeral expenses, etc. from it. Can I use the money that is left for my own purposes?
  • So my family and I moved into a house on the 1st of the year and the second week we were there the wall heater had just stopped working and I have been asking him to fix the problem all the way up to it catching on fire and now I dont know what legal actions I should take. Me not thinking at all never texted him about it but i had called him on multiple accounts telling him about it and showed up to his office to tell him to fix it. I just had a baby on the 22 of feburary and the fire happened on the 24 the day after we brought him to the house.
  • When accessing FMLA for the birth of a child, if you are placed on bed rest before the birth is your employer still required to hold your position for the 12 weeks after the birth?
  • I have a landlord that am renting from, have been at my residence for 3 years now,We had an agreement to fix the home for down payment to buy.So my husband and really got to work on the home as it was going to be ours, So now she wants us to move in 30 days now all the work is done The time we here she acted like it was a big deal to fix things ,had the kids bathroom full of mold making them sick and termites like crazy. We had fixed roof never got payed labor and cleaned hurricane damage and trees never got paid or taken off rent.Now the home is NiCE she wants us out should she have to pay
  • I have 3 questions and many other questions but I will just add 3 , if this form will let me. How can I get free or reduced legal help against landlords and the other question how do get the same thing for a will?? Also the same thing against corrupte stores and company's??I live in direr poverty and really just can't afford anything unfortunately and it's not my fault. I am an orphan the state ruined my life and took everything from and left me in direr poverty with noway out that's why I can't afford a lawyer nor anything. A little help not advise would help. Don't want a hand out nor pity
  • My daughter has a son with her ex-boyfriend. From the beginning the babys father wanted nothing to do with the baby. He wanted my daughter to abort. Now that the baby is 9 months old he always threatens my daugher that he will take her to court for custody. He does not give her money or buys anything for the baby. He always says that since wanted to have the baby she should deal with it herself. He has three other kids with his former wife. My daughter did put him on the baby's birth certificate. He feels forced into taking care of him. What can she do ?
  • So my niece got taken away from her mother by cps and was placed with the step father . My brother her dad is in prison is there anyway i can get her back.




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program