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  • I have an eviction on my credit that was paid and one was listed as 1 year later than it was how can i correct or prove.
  • Oue lease is up in a couple of days, and the landlords and his family have been there for the past two updating the lawn. We were not notified that they were coming prior to their arrival. This has been an ongoing problem with them. They felt that as soon as they put the house on the market they can come whenever they choose. We have requested in writing that they give us notice , but in last two days they have not honored that . What are my rights?
  • attacked,robbed my apt,flooding for 2 days,no screens on window or patio,no apt# on my door,no heat for 14 days,electric went out twice got me very sick
  • We need to add my name to the birth certificate of our daughter. We have my wife's divorce paperwork stating by the judge that I am the natural father. But the Office of Vital Statistics stated that a court must also include an order to add my name to the birth certificate. How do I go about accomplishing this? Thank you.
  • I work for the school district and only get 35 hours per week. With all the time off without pay the maximum hour I can get is around 1175. Does this mean I will never qualify for fmla?
  • I have had legal guardianship of my grandson in Arizona since he was 15 months old. He is now 11. My husband has been given a promotion and we now have to relocate to Indiana. As legal guardian am I able to just move with him? Do I need to file paperwork? Do I need his mothers permission? She is still unable to take care of him in a stable manner. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank You
  • Should I file for bankruptcy if I cannot pay my debts?
  • My husband was incarcerated for 15 years. my daughter is now 19, he is in massachusetts, I reside in Arizona with our daughter. He is now on disability, but doesn;t send us money. I want to go after him for back child support as I have health issues too and still supporting our daughter alone. Do I have rights and will someone help me?
  • Is a disabled person still responsible for arrears even when the court orders that the non custodial parent is unable to work?
  • I am the legal guardian of my two grandsons. Their mother (my daughter) is in prison. The father refuses to accept any responsibility saying they are not his children, even though he was married to my daughter when all three of the children were born. The Court has ordered him to have paternity testing, but he has refused to do so. I am 52 years old and need help supporting these children. Since their father refuses, and their mother is in prison, can I adopt these children and get any kind of aid for them?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program