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  • The Property Mgmt Co. that manages the house I rent charges me a "Move in Charge" every month that equals approx. 1.75% of my rent. What is this for? I live in the city of Mesa, AZ.
  • How do I file a contempt of court because husband is not paying temporary spousal maint. plus he's changed titles on vehicles and property/house?
  • If a couple lives together for 7 years in Arizona are they legally married?
  • why can`t a 73yr. old mother/caretaker of a 41yr. old adult, receive extra income besides her & his soc, sec.?
  • What article says that a landlord can not shut off utilities
  • paternal gmother given guardianship through protective services and sent ward to live in Nevada with maternal gmother and gfather with informal "custody" note then informal gship under NV law. maternal gmother and gfather want to adopt and have consent of guardian as well as consent of mother and unknown father's rights have been terminated. Need to know how to terminate the gship now that adoption case been filed in NV.
  • question if a person co-signs a loan for a new car and the person has the car defaults on the loan payments is the co-signer now responsible for payments and if so what options does the co-signer have.
  • I was arrested in 2013 for disorderly conduct per DV and was released the next day. I received a deferred prosecution for 6 months with no fine. The charges are now dismissed. Do I still have wait 5 years to expunge my record to work at a school? I was told by a co-worker who is a Lieutenant of the police department, that any DV charge has to be expunged before being able to work around children.
  • Two weeks ago I had a discussion with my landlord and his wife about being two weeks late on my rent and would need to pay it on the 14th of November. They were kind and said that would be fine and to come in around rent time to fill out a promissory note. During that time and now his (the landlord's) wife left him because he was very abusive. Now Sunday Nov 2nd I went in to fill out the contract to pay on the 14th and the landlord said he was evicting anyone who had anything to do with her. What can I do I am a single dad with no family in AZ.
  • I am 27. I owe about 18,00 in child support right now. Ive been able to make payments here and there but only $50 at a time. I have an arrears hearing coming up on sept. 3rd. This will be the first hearing. Just in the last few days I was able to gain employment for a department store. Im going to have them garnish my wages or I will be making the appropriate payment. I have honestly just had trouble finding work. Do I need to be concerned about going to jail at this hearing? and can I request a modification of support at this hearing?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program