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  • I’m a veteran and my wife is 40 weeks pregnant and we are currently being evicted due to having pet waste on the patio. We would clean our patio daily. Any laws or rights that can protect us to avoid this eviction?
  • I am a single mother(one child) and living on a Teacher's salary. I have a mortgage and a considerable amount of credit debt, plus student loans. I can make my house payment but am struggling to make any of the credit payments. Question is: Can I file Bankruptcy ( ch7) and keep my house. None of the debt was secured with my home.
  • I got a loan in my name for a vehicle and my friend was supposed to make payments on it. She hasnt made payments in 20 months. I want to go and get it because i have to pay now. How could i do that legally. because its on her property and the police said i cannot take it because we had a verbal agreement that if she paid every month she could keep it. But the title is in my name and the plates and the loan also.
  • If stopped by law enforcement, officer asks "IS A GUN IN THE VEHICLE?" is the operator required to answer specifically yes or no? We are not residents of the state of Arizona.
  • My son got me to sign papers to sign away my house. I did not want to sell my house. What do I do?
  • my brother does a work to a company and he die
  • The Property Management company finally fixed the plumbing after 2.5 months of not working and draining human waste to the I have holes throughout the kitchen and living room and in the walls. I have sent a certified letter asking for fit premises...but how can I get them to act to ensure my family is living in a safe environment?
  • I had moved out of my house a year ago from my husband. I did not have the money to file for divorce until last week. As of the first of the year 2013 I have had a boyfriend and now my soon to be x is threatening me with adultery. Is this adultery if we have been separated for over a year?
  • been married 12 yrs, no children due to domestic violence I am seperated from husband.I'am wanting a divorce/alimony/order of protection what are my chances? Due to his disability will I be charged with abandonment?
  • Is this information up to date considering the major changes made by the legislature in 2014? For example, they stopped using the term "custody" and use only "parenting time now." What else has changed? What is the new statute number for reference?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program