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  • I am a father i recently seperated from my kids mom i have been there since day one but she refuses to let me see them she has had a drug problem for many years now do to her drug abuse she has a medical condition that she sometimes cant even get up from bed i need legal help to get custody of my kids or to get visitation rights to make sure my kids are being taken care of
  • My landlord sent an email for us to pay past due rent by a certain date. We have been unable to do so. He has now sent another notice that he has labeled "move out demand" for us to vacate the property by this Sunday, Aug 19th. Is receiving this notices via email considered proper service? Thank you!
  • My mom lives in a different county than myself and my daughter,I would like my mother to take temporary guardianship of my daughter for the purpose of enrolling her in school in the county that my mother lives in.Can she do that
  • I've been in the US over a year and recently filed my tax in single statues, I m still married but separated already. when the tax person filing my tax she said I owe tax I said ok, then she filed it, I didn't know that I could say no and file for joint. now I have to pay my fund and want to know if I still could amend it and get my money back?
  • Can I move out of state with my 7 year old son? I was never married to his father and he doesn’t pay me monies for my son’s support. The father has been in jail for violating probation for drug use.
  • How many days do I have to get my beds n large furniture out before the landlord throws it our?
  • My lease is over in 2 months and iam not going to be able to pay it have tio move what can i do.
  • new owners have taken over my appartment housing, I wanna kno what I can do, they say may bathtub is not clean enough, wanted me to clean the light switches with a tooth brush, and say the apartment, per policy must look like new at all times
  • My parents are on social security income only and we are evaluating whether to put my Dad in a nursing home. He would most likely be eligible for ALTCS. My parents own their home and it is the only asset left to support my mother. I heard that a nursing home can take half the house value if the house is sold within 3 years of my father entering a facility. Can the home be put into a trust for my mother or sold to a family member before my father enters a nursing home to avoid this?
  • I own a home but was recently let go from the teaching industry. Can I still get food stamps? Will they be considered as a "cash Advance" and have to be paid back when I sell my home?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program