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  • I have guardianship of my step children, can I deduct them from my income as children of other relationships I support in a child support case I have ongoing in a separate matter?
  • We are owners of a double wide in a moblie home park in Tucson.  We live out of state and for the last 5 months have received only partial payments and at this time a tenant is 4 months past due in agreed payments. We have had several issues with this problem, and feel we can no longer allow this person to occupy our property and would like to have someone tell us how we can go about serving notice for an eviction. We have read the laws of Arizona and know that a paper has to be obtained, filed, and paid for by us and then sent on to the occupant of property.  How can we start this procedure?
  • i lived in home and left due to domestic violence. the property manger recieved my order of protection and allowed me to vacate. 6 years later my check is being garnished for unpaid rent and attorney fees. they got a judgement from the court and a collection agency is who garnished my check. i have to pay over 4000 dollars. I thought since domestic vioelnece i was able to leave according to 33-318.
  • I have a daughter with someone who has chosen drugs over her, there's been times where he did come to my house to visit her but during the visitation I realized he was still using even though he claimed he had been sober for the 2 months that my daughter had been born. Ever since then, he never really tried to get in touch with me to see her and she's now going to be a year old and I want to sever his rights. How would I go about doing this?
  • My granddaughter and her boyfriend moved into my house after she had her baby they broke up and my granddaughter moved back in with her parents but the exboyfriend refuses to leave my house What do I do??
  • Can someone who is mentally unfit to make decisions for themselves marry someone? My sister with severe dimentia recently married a stranger.
  • Is it illegal for a landlord to evict a residential tenant who has not paid rent or electricity in over a year if the tenant could as a result of the eviction become homeless?
  • I have lived in my apt for 19 years now,my landlord will not fix a thing, i have asked several times, i have the same carpet it's been shampooed over & over, it's horrible when asked he said he'd have to raise my rent, isn't that his responsibility to replace it after so many years. My outside steps have giant holes,moldy when it rains and the rails all shake he refuses to fix them, do i or someone else have to get hurt first, they are very dangerous but yet pass inspection, which i know he's paying them off, what can i do?
  • I am renting a home for past year and half with wife, daughter and her 5 year old son. We have all had various levels of sickness, mainly severe coughing. We brought this to the attention of the management company with full details. They sent out a person to "visually" inspect for surface mold, in one room. This person left indicating the issue was from a single cat. We obtained our own air quality company and paid for results ourselves, the results came back with several mold types in home and "Black Mold" was one of them. Management company not responding to addressing problem. Help???
  • Have had many issues with AC ceiling unit leaking all over kitchen floor in my apt since March. Manager does nothing. I delivered a 10-day form from gov website statute 33-1324 10 days ago. Is there anything more to it then just moving out? What if they try to say I broke lease and report to credit?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program