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Do you want to escape it all and take a long vacation but aren't sure how to do it? Read contributing attorney Ke Huang-Isherwood's article "Getting a Visa to Visit Another Country" and start your plan today — Read More
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Are you a savvy senior? Would you like to be? Attorney Kenneth F. Hegland breaks down some of the most complicated issues that surround us and those we love as we age. — Watch videos.
can a out of state creditor file small claims collection case on his place of residence against debtor residing in arizona?
i paid off my lease in full and i only stayed 6 months and paid a fee and gave full 60 days notice. should i get the rest of the rent that i paid back?
My ex-husband was given custody of our son after having him removed by child protective services (CPS)2 yrs prior after his arrest for child abuse. Our son had lived with me for over 2 yrs in a clean & sober happy home and was afraid of his dad, talked of abuse from his dad, etc. Through a series of events his dad has custody of him again after the judge misconstrued the situation and didn't look into the history. He's abusive and won't let me see our son. My ex was abusive to me & my kids. Now I don't know what to do. The judge doesn't believe me. Can I get a new judge? What can I do? Help!
During my current 6 months of employment, I was hired as a 1099 employee and then transitioned to a W2 employee (paid salary + commission)and then forced back to a 1099 employee by my employer. Despite earning commissions from the first month of employment, I have yet to be paid any commissions. They initially told me I they would pay them and then they ignored by requests for payment. Can an employer withhold and deny paying earned commissions and if so, how long. Are they subject to any penalties or fines for will fully with holding earned commission? What can I do?
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I haven't had power in my house in 2 months I've contacted my landlord and she refusses to fix it and when she did she made things worse Who do i contact about this I've called everyone I need help
The house I have been renting month to month has been foreclosed and already been sold to new I have 90 days to move out and if the new owners ask for rent can they charge me more then what I was paying with me lease or do I not pay them?
I want to enroll my little sisters in school, our mother is in Mexico but they won't let me enroll them. My sisters are u.s. citizens my mother is not. She gave me a power of attorney letter giving me right to take care of them. It was notorized in Mexico but they still won't let me enroll them. What do I need?
My house was place in auction we spend about 30 years living there my original loan was 50.000 by USDA how do I get the full information. sold auction quantity and excess of funds I have contacted Home Equity Invs they informed me that the house was auctioned for 38.000 and i have excess of funds 16.000 how do I check if is true.
What happens if you have already been divorced for three years and then notice on your divorce papers your social security number is wrong?
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National Domestic Violence Hotline
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Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
866-553-0893 -
Certified Legal Document Preparer Program
- Arizona Center for Disability Law-Phoenix
View full description - Community Services of Arizona, Inc.
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