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  • I'm having my boyfriends child and his mother is my boss and family can't work together. Does me having this child mean we can't work at the same place?
  • My co-leasors are moving back to Montana at the end of this month and our lease does not expire until May. What are the ramifications of ending the lease early?
  • My husband is a state employee and while I gave birth to our son, he took FMLA for 5 weeks. When he returned to work he submitted our sons birth certificate and the HR representative told him we were denied because it had exceeded the 30 days to enroll him. Can they do this while on FMLA?
  • hi my new husband is military retired recieves a military pension of 1300 a month. in his divorce decree it says shares half with ex wife. she was suppose to go to the military and get half taken out. its been 20 years now how does he divide his pension retiremnet funds with her is she still intitled. is there a staute of limitiations on claiming a old debt, got divorced in maricopa county
  • If I have a felony warrant from California. If I get pulled over will my warrant come up when they run my drivers license
  • What is the first step I would take to have my husband adopt my first child? What if the father is unknown and not on the birth certificate?
  • Is there a hotline for an eviction of a mentally ill tannant
  • I have a man in my home that was my boyfriend although there has not been a relationship for over two months. There is no lease or contract, he does not pay rent, he has stopped working and verbally abuses me and my children to the point my children are staying elsewhere. He refuses to leave so how can I get him out now?
  • Can a person who has been ordered to change their last name legally sign legal documents with the old name
  • For SNAP, etc it states "Some resources don't count." Which resources do not count? Does a large insurance settlement count as a resource? Does it count when applying for cash assistance or medical insurance?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program