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  • Can my lankdlord have her pool guy take pictures of the backyard when I am not home
  • I been renting for 2 years is it legal for the landlord to higher the rent?
  • Who is responsible for paying the city tax on a rental property the tenant or landlord?
  • My uncle has custody of my sister and he won't let her have contact with me is there anything I can do so that I am able to be in contact with her
  • Can a second (junior) mortgage Deed of trust lienholder obtain a deficiency judgment against me. The Arizona single family home foreclosed Trustee sale on September 2nd, 2014. They are just now trying to get a hold of me. There is no way I can even afford to pay. Thank you
  • If On a Decree of Divorce it states that the minor child Cannot be taken or relocated from the state and one of the parties does this can they held in violation of this court order ?
  • I plead guilty to Disorderly Conduct DV in Mesa and have to attend 12 hours of Anger Management classes. I was planning on moving to Bullhead City but now I don't know if I can. Does it matter where I take these classes?
  • Is the self-help booklet available in Spanish?
  • If my ex-husband is going bankrupt and he is including my house because he is on the loan how will that effect me and my credit.I live here and I am making payment and have never been late.What do I need to do? THanks
  • Can i deny court ordered visitation if my childs safety is a concern? ie. my children were victims of child abuse and they just informed me that the abuser has been living with their mother within the last few months and she has allowed this with my children there during her scheduled visitation. my younger child does not feel good about this arrangement and stated he was not comfortable being around this person and that the visitaions have been different. i feel that this is not in their best interest so therefore i did not allow the visitation.




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program