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  • what is the process for legal marrying of my dads sisters daughter nd iam hindu
  • How old do children have to be to decide what parent they want to live with? I have two children 15 1/2 and 12 1/2 I am relocating out of the state, we have joint custody I am the custodial parent the kids have always lived with me and wish to relocate with me. They have told there father this several times and he tells them that they are kids and they don't get to decide.
  • My landlord has sold the house I am renting. I have 10 months left on the lease. The new home-owner is not buying the house as "occupied". I have agreed to move out. Do the old homeowners owe me any sort of compensation because they broke the lease (comparable to what I would owe if I were the one breaking the lease)? I had about 1 weeks notice. Thanks!
  • I have been offered a position in ND and my wife will be caring for her grandmother in ND. My lease is not up til Feb but we really need to move now. Can I break my lease? I rent an apt. How much notice is required? My lease says 60 days.
  • I co-own property in CA. There are 3 of us still living on the title, myself, my brother and 1 other lady. I need to sell at least my portion ASAP, but cannot get the woman to even acknowledge my attempts to contact her. I spoke to her once and she seemed very nice and said she would help in any way. Since then she has not answered any of my calls or letters. My question is, do I need a lawyer to help convince her to co-operate, and if so, do I need to get one in AZ. or CA.? If I don't need a lawyer, can you please tell me where I can get help with this matter. She lives in CA. Thank-you.
  • We own an R.V. and have it parked in an R.V. park. The owners just sold the park and we would like to know if we are told to move, do they have to give written notice to vacate and how many days do we have to do so?
  • My father is 94 and is in critical condition. We checked his will for the first time and we have some concerns. His will was made out in 1988 when he was a widower and had 4 adult live children. He since has remarried and lost two children. Is this will null because of the change circumstances?
  • A person came into my office for a meeting and I stated "I do not consent to being recorded" prior to our conversation. He recorded the conversation. I understand the one-person consent laws for recording but I expressly revoked consent. Do I have a case to take to court?
  • When I was born my parents were not married so my birth certificate has the name of my mother's ex-husband as my biological father. I would like to legally put my father on my birth certificate as my biological father. My mothers is deceased as well as the man that is on my birth certificate. My father has agreed to a paternity test. What steps do I need to do to have this done?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program