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  • We live in Louisiana and in the recent past I had three headaches that were really bad. The third one was so horrific I thought I was having a stroke. I found out that after our neighbors moved a major effort was made to rid the apartment of insects. I also found out that the exterminating company was rotating insecticides. My fear is that we were affected by what was used. Both my blood pressure and my sons went really high. I have highblood issues but my diastolic went much higher then usual. Do I have a right to know what was used in that apartment?
  • I work in the construction industry as a foreman and have to stop by the office most mornings and afternoons to look at project packets, file time cards, and gather necessary tools for the jobsite. The company does not compensate me for this time at all. Is this illegal? Who do I report it to? In addition, I was recently fired for complaining about this as well as many other safety issues.
  • The house is owned by us, but we are paying rent on a lot. My landlord gave us a notice saying we need to repaint our house or he will do it himself and charge us for it, is that legal?
  • My Mother who is 83 and I are both on the home that we live in. I am her caretaker. If one of of passes away does the home go to the other or can other family members step in or if one of us goes into a assisted living can the home we both own be messed with if the assisted living costs more than can afford?
  • Is there a form to amend a divorce petition i am filing for an annulment but i made a mistake and it turned into a request for divorce judge said i needed to file an amendment
  • When is it NOT LEGAL to terminate an employee; i.e., what are the grounds for termination of employment that the law prohibits?
  • While drawing UC benefits, Is there a minimum amount of pay from job offers you have to accept before losing benefits for refusing job?
  • Hello, once a divorce judgement is entered, what documents need to be filed with the court in order to split a pension? The marriage was for 45 years.
  • if we court order to see my grand daughter and the mother is now holding her from coming over cause she got mad at the father wont let her come over she does this all the time its away of her getting back at him and hurting him she is selfish my grand daught adore he father.
  • is the landlord responsible for pest control, specifically pest control (bedbugs) in the apartment?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program