Bankruptcy Hotline Profile
230 N. First Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85003
Toll Free: 866-553-0893
My spouse was stationed as active duty in AZ, where we bought a house together and he still has an AZ driver's license, pays AZ taxes, and that house is his official address of record. Mine has changed. Can I file for divorce in AZ since he is an AZ resident (does the court consider him an AZ resident)? Thank you.
My company has 19 or 20 employees - am I eligible for FMLA? I'm currently on a company group health plan - am I eligible for COBRA coverage? If not to either question, do I have any options?
does Arizona have a three strikes law
i was never paid what do i do
We have a custody order that is 9 years old and never been abided by the child suppose be with me on weekends and dad in the week but has lived with me for couple years now we have never went by the order now I’m engaged he is trying to enforce it is the order still good
My daughter has a son with her ex-boyfriend. From the beginning the babys father wanted nothing to do with the baby. He wanted my daughter to abort. Now that the baby is 9 months old he always threatens my daugher that he will take her to court for custody. He does not give her money or buys anything for the baby. He always says that since wanted to have the baby she should deal with it herself. He has three other kids with his former wife. My daughter did put him on the baby's birth certificate. He feels forced into taking care of him. What can she do ?
I have guardianship of my two stepchildren and I just moved to Arizona will I be able to apply for any kind of assistance
I have been living with this man for the last month and now we are broke up and he is withholding my mail could i get arrested for entering the home through the window? because he won't let me in .and he will not give me my mail.
My friend just started dating someone who has to attend anger management courses because his ex accused him of domestic violence. He claims she had no proof and that he was not able to defend himself. I want to know if it is true that AZ courts will send someone to anger management classes without any proof of actual violence?
I am checking if there's any way to have my record expunged? I committed a felony in oct. 2010 and are having trouble getting hired at good jobs. it happened in california but i moved to arizona sep of 2015. I've been clean and even completed college courses. can someone point me in right direction? i don't understand how someone can still be held accountable after so long.
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- Please select your county of residence below.
State Bar of Arizona -
Maricopa County Bar
Referral number 602-257-4434 -
Pima County Bar
Referral number 520-623-4625 -
National Domestic Violence Hotline
800-799-7233 -
Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
866-553-0893 -
Certified Legal Document Preparer Program
- Quilt Modest Means Program
View full description - Attorney General's Office of Victim Services (Phoenix)
View full description - Pio Decimo Center
View full description - Avondale Victim Assistance Unit
View full description - DES Division of Child Support Enforcement - Phoenix
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