Welcome to Arizona′s Online Application for Legal Assistance
The online application is a pre–qualification process to help determine if users are eligible for free or reduced cost legal help and which legal help program will best meet the user′s needs. Additional information or action may be required to finalize your application. Please be sure to read and follow all instructions at the end of the application.
Click here to start an application
Thank you to the American Bar Endowment for making it possible for the A2J Author system to be mobile friendly and more accessible to all Arizonans.
Are you looking for legal information or legal forms to represent yourself?
Visit https://AZCourtHelp.org and https://AZLawHelp.org.
If two parents of a minor that have joint custody of said minor do not agree to a medical procedure to help said minor which patent has final say in minors treatment?
I’m trying to give my landlady my 30 day notice as well as my last months rent. I’ve tried going to her office when she didn’t come to the door I tried calling her and left a voicemail. Finally I’ve sent her a text as well as a photo of my written notice and I’ve had no response. Since I have proof of trying to contact her of my notice does it still count until I can get her the actual notice in person if she ever responds? I’m getting ready to move into my new place and I’m worried she might try to say she never received notice.
We need to apply for guardian/conservator for mom who had a stroke and is unable to look after her affairs. Where do we start? Forms, where to file, etc. Thanks!!
If someone puts an order of protection or a restraining order against me, it is good for 1 year from service. But how long after does it stay on my personal file.
At the age of 15 can you choose who you want to live with?
I was arrested in 2013 for disorderly conduct per DV and was released the next day. I received a deferred prosecution for 6 months with no fine. The charges are now dismissed. Do I still have wait 5 years to expunge my record to work at a school? I was told by a co-worker who is a Lieutenant of the police department, that any DV charge has to be expunged before being able to work around children.
after management accepts your rent can they return it. Also if so is it legal to just return it to any one who OPENS YOUR DOOR.
I didn't pay rent this month due to the landlord not fixing anything within the last six months. I decided to move since they are not fixing anything. Can the landlord lock my possesions in the house or do they have to give me a notice first?
The state of arizona is trying to force me to repay my unemployment insurance. They state I wasn't eligible because I was married, and I have never been married ever. I missed my hearing because I never received a letter and now they want to garnish my wages because of this. What can I do and do I need to hire an attorney?
I co-own a house with my fiance. He was abusive, and I ended up having to get an order of protection against him. Is there a way I can get him to "sell or release" his half of the property?
Free & Reduced Fees Legal Aid Resources
Click Here to apply online, or call
- Please select your county of residence below.
State Bar of Arizona
www.azbar.org -
Maricopa County Bar
Referral number 602-257-4434 -
Pima County Bar
Referral number 520-623-4625 -
National Domestic Violence Hotline
800-799-7233 -
Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
866-553-0893 -
Certified Legal Document Preparer Program
- Arizona Foundation For Legal Services & Education
View full description - Maricopa County Conciliation Services
View full description - DNA- People's Legal Services - Window Rock
View full description - Arizona Community Action Association
View full description - Information & Referral Services
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